Jin took a look at the kneeling Yamamoto and scowled fiercely. They strode forward and gripped him by the arm. "Get up, dammit. Don't push your face in the dirt for him." Jin's fist was clenched, but their face was burning with secondhand embarrassment. The fact that they didn't know Yamamoto all that well to begin with didn't seem to matter. "Listen, Yamamoto-san." Jin continued to try to pull the kneeling boy up. "You don't beg, alright? What we're about to face, there's not going to be any time for pleading or bargaining or none of that shit. You pick a path, you take that path - if that path is a dead end, you don't sit and weep about it." Ironic - Jin seemed to be looking a bit teary. "Besides, the last person you want at your back in a fight is a coward." Jin shot a pointed look at Aki. "Let him go and get up - you're worth ten of him anyway."