[@Zi] Hey, no worries, take your time! Looking forward to that post :brow [center][b]What kind of environment will it take place in? (Forest? Mountain? other?)[/b] Maybe a mix of a few? In the first hexology, each Clan had its own sort of landmarks within its territory. Where Thunderclan was more forest-y, while Riverclan was more...river-y? So maybe we could do something like that? [b]Will we use book clans? Or will we create our own?[/b] Creating our own would be more fun, I think. [b]Who will be Clan Leader?[/b] Probably the GM, if you're good with that. [b]Who will be our Medicine Cat?[/b] Co-GM maybe? If we end up having one? [b]Will any two-legs be near us?[/b] Nah, we got so much of them in the books that they ended up becoming kind of a stale plot point. It'd be more fun if they weren't involved. [b]How many other cats will there be besides up players? if any?[/b] I guess that depends on whether or not we all stick to one Clan or if we can have multiple characters in other Clans. If we all end up sticking to just one, then we'll need to unleash an army of NPCs to fill up the others.[/center]