It is usually a difficult task to exactly determine the point where everything goes south, but everyone always has their theories. In situations like this, some blame themselves, some their allies, some don't care either way and instead focus on the fact that things simply went wrong. In their waking moments, our heroes undoubtedly had some of these thoughts cross their mind, but would soon realise that there were more important things to think of. Such as where they were and how to get out of there. While Mistletoe and Kenza found themselves in the same room, Derrick was separated from them by two sets of iron bars and a roughly 45 degree angle. They seemed to be in some old dungeon cell block, at least judging by the aforementioned iron bars, the stone walls that separated the cells and the smell of still and damp air. From the ladies cell, the only door in sight was directly to the right after the cell door, which would make it on left and some distance away from the male party members point of view. Most of the other cells seemed to be dysfunctional with doors missing, bars nearly broken, collapsed walls or other reasons, but further away from the presumed door out stood one more cell that seemed to be in good shape. It was rather dark here with no natural sources of light, so the (already dying) oil lantern next to the door and some unknown source further down the hallway were their only sources of illumination. With little else to push back the darkness, the atmosphere was quite threatening. This was not helped by the fact Mistletoe found her right shoulder to be dislocated and her left wrist had a chain wrapped around it. Probably payback from the few successful shots she had got in while they were still in the fight. Derrick found his left leg hurting from a few puncture wounds, but nothing too deep. They were roughly as apart as Wolfwing's fingers were, so that was probably the source for that. Kenza found herself with no visible injuries, but her upper back hurt as if she had fallen badly. Perhaps from being tossed? In addition to these, all of them had a splitting headache. None of the hunters had their equipment and on a quick look neither cell held anything as potent for fighting. No other signs of life were to be seen right now, but judging by how they were here alive and the creature had knocked them out for transport and even left some light in here, it wasn't too far fetched to assume it might come check up on them at some point. The steady sound of dripping water reminded our hunters of time passing by. What would they do?