Ri'vashi gave her greetings in response to Janius, but both her words and expression were monotone, almost emotionless. An attitude that did not change with Gallus' enthusiastic greeting. "Yes, um, morning." She responded with a slight wave. However, she was still keeping her distance from most of the others and appeared to be uncomfortable overall. Newt, aside from being of the opinion that the feathers his mother was having him wear tickled him too much whenever he tried to run, was looking forward to the ceremony. He had been nervous at first, but with how nicely everyone was treating him, he was glad to have everyone's attention. Few, if any, of his friends actually understood the point of the ceremony, but they were in good moods from the promise of treats afterwards. For Rhazii's question, he shrugged his shoulders, then quickly brushed away one of the feathers he displaced on his necklace. "Don't know. Mamma didn't tell me. She said I won't be a hatchling anymore, though. As soon as I drink the sap." With how eager Kaleeth was to start the ceremony, it was not long after everyone arrived that she called for everyone to follow her and Janius to the spot they had picked out to hold the ceremony. It was a simple clearing among the forest of glowing mushrooms, and was just a few minutes walk from the city. Newt was still happy to be with his friends, but Ri'vashi seemed to be looking for any excuse to be alone.