[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170114/8d5e0b9de7404c95faca307a6db08e2b.png[/img][/center] [list] [*] I'm not new to RPing. I've been doing it for about 7 years maybe even longer than that. [*] I'm 21 for those with age restrictions. For this particular thread I'm saying you also have to be 18+. [*] 3 to 5 paragraphs is kind of where my average post length lies. [*] I can post at least once a week, but will probably post multiple times. [*] I prefer romance. MxM, FxF, or MxF, I'll do any one. [*] Please tell me your favorite color so I know you didn't skip this part. [*] At this particular time in this particular theme, I'd prefer to play the sub and the female in any MxF pairings. (I usually don't define relationships with in this way, but...this is my craving at the moment so I'm going against my own judgement.) [*] I have no limits. Actually I'm kinda hoping for a bit of smut, maybe abuse, and violence. [*] If you have any questions please ask. I am open to more suggestions if you want to do something else kind of in the same genre! [/list] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170114/695d6bcbfa2b5ea4b61ee461771949c8.png[/img][/center] [list] [*] Be willing to do Romances! I can do MxM, FxF, or MxF. [*] Be able to post a minimum of 2 paragraphs but also be able to match my post lengths. [*] Be willing to play more than one character if that becomes necessary. [*] Please tell me your favorite animal so I know you've read these rules. [*] I don't have many limits, so let me know yours if you think it's really important. [*] Please don't take control of my character unless you've asked for permission. [*] I love brain storming ideas so please be willing to collaborate and share ideas. [/list] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170114/41d0936060d1e1c53cb9733d8379eef4.png[/img][/center] [hider=My Love is Psychotic] [b]Closed[/b] Your character is the young leader of a mafia and decides to hit a bank. At this particular time my character happens to be there, waiting to cash a check. After taking everyone hostage, your character for some reason or another finds my character rather infatuating. So, while your character's goons are in the middle of getting as much money as they can find, you bring my character into a seperate room. Oddly to the surprise of my character, your character just wants to talk (or may have more sinister ideas up his sleeve either works for me). After the heist is all said and done, our characters go their seperate ways...well, not really. Your character becomes sort of obsessed with my character, and basically claims them. There's mob members looking out for them everywhere they go, and occasionally our characters just happen to run into each other over and over again. I do kind of want this to be a mixture of intense angst and fluff. I love the idea of the two characters being extra sweet to each other but also your character kills people and is capable of doing some pretty extra terrifying things. [hider=Where this idea came from] Okay, so I've been watching a bunch of Achievement Hunter lately, specifically the stuff with Ryan because he just happens to be my favorite of the crew. I am very much in love with the Mad King character and think it would be fun to do something based on that character. I don't want to roleplay the actual people at all, I want to make that clear. I'm uncomfortable roleplaying actual people, but I'd love to do something with a Mad King type character. Also, another kicker is because of my recent aversion to playing dominant characters, I am asking for someone to play that Mad King type character. Perhaps we can do a sort of pairing like the Baccano characters Ladd Russo and his fiance. Or really anything honestly. [/hider] [hider=My character Sheets] [hider=female character][center][b]Name[/b] Evelyn Keaton [b]Age[/b] 25 [b]Gender[/b] female [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/ab/55/1bab55be336b478cc218260df51b7c61.jpg&key=8ab474db583b48b304dfb563ee15e3ec8fa328d9fa0428475f459173865126f6[/img] [b]History[/b] Evelyn grew up in a rather average life. Her parents were part of the middle class which meant money and finances were hardly an issue in her home. She got to go on vacations every few years and she had a rather nice family life. Her school life wasn't much different, she had a nice group of friends. She was fairly active in her school life, being a cheerleader, and part of the student council. She didn't really spend a whole lot of time with her family with her parents working quite a bit and she being rather busy with her own after school activities. She wasn't the type of girl to rebel and never went through a rebellious phase. She was more into doing what she was told and listening to her parents. She liked making people happy. Though, that didn't mean she was pushed around either, she could stand up for herself when she needed to. When she graduated high school, she decided to leave home and go to nursing school. Which she found to be much more challenging than she had thought it would be. Still, she managed to get through the four years and found a job within the same city. Though her parents very much disapproved of the decision, Evelyn decided to live alone. She didn't have much of a choice, she didn't have many friends that were going to stay within the city, and her parents lived too far away for liking. She also kind of liked the idea of having a home to herself. It was easier for her to only worry about herself for once.[/center][/hider] [hider=male character] [center][b]Name[/b] Samuel "Sam" Keaton [b]Age[/b] 25 [b]Gender[/b] male [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a0/57/9a/a0579ab6f8ad50a0f1dddef670e77f5f.jpg[/img] [b]History[/b] Sam didn't grow up in a very well off family. He was actually quite poor growing up. His parents got divorced when he was younger, and he was forced to live at a different home every other week. His parents were nice to him and always tried their best with what they had. Both ended up remarrying and starting new families with the ones they loved. It did make Sam feel much like an outsider. Which is why after graduation, he decided to make his own way in life. He got a job in high school and used that money to fund a down payment on a crappy apartment that he now lives in. He always dreamed of doing better things, but at the moment all he has is his low end job and his own apartment that is barely furnished. He may not be living the best quality of life, but at least he's out of his parent's hair. [/center][/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Dark Circus] So, this is less of a plot and more of a vague idea. I'm thinking it'd be interesting to have a travelling circus, filled with supernatural beings, that moves from town to town every month. Perhaps there's a reason as heroic as trying to stop some supernatural invasion, or perhaps this is just their way of making a living. [hider= My Characters] Name: Mingan Age: He's not even sure how old he is looks to be in his 30s Race: Windego Role in Circus: The Ring Master Appearance: When he's in his normal state he has beautiful long black hair, his skin a beautiful bronze and eyes a chocolate brown. He's tall and so skinny that it's hard to believe the man is even alive. When in his Windego state, he's even taller and larger, his hair turns stark white and matted with blood, his teeth turn into large yellowed fangs, he has no lips and his hands and feet turn into paws with large talons. Powers/Abilites: He's strong and fast in both states. Though due to the constant hunger of being a Windego, he's constantly eating to stop himself from attacking himself or others. His Windego teeth and talons can break through metals. He also hasn't aged ever since he was turned. Name: Cain Atwater Age: Also pretty Ageless looks to be in his 20s Race: Boogyman Role in Circus: Cook / Shapeshifter or magician Appearance: In his normal state he's actually rather charming with his sandy blond hair slicked back and his baby blue eyes. But, very few people see that form and most see that of a horrible monster, whatever it is they fear the most. He takes many forms, and can even bend his form at will. Even on stage he chooses to how up as a shadowed man covered head to toe. Powers/Abilites: He takes the form of whatever that thing fears the most, and can use that to fight. Name: Serena Barnett Age: 22 Race: Siren Role in Circus: Enchantress Appearance: She's all kinds of beautiful, her long thick red hair nearly reaches her legs, and her dark skin blemish free. Her eyes a brilliant green that most people cannot stand to look away from. Powers/Abilities: Her singing hypnotizes people and creatures. Her screams can make a person's ears bleed. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=My Twin Belongs to me] [b]Closed[/b] -The twins can be fraternal or identical The siblings grew up together and of course they were close. The two did everything together that they could. They grew up in a home where their parents were away constantly, but they were part of the elite. They were rich and powerful. Though the way the money was gotten may have been from pretty dirty means. Your character gets involved with the business, loving every second of it. My character has no idea what's going on. Things are great for the both of them, though, your character working inside the family business while mine is in college. The problem arises when your character hears my character has been arranged to marry into another rather wealthy family. Your character isn't having it, and will not let their twin go. Your character has been in love with my character since they can remember. [hider=My characters] [hider=female character] [center] [b]Name[/b] Emma Hughes [b]Age[/b] 20 [b]Gender[/b] female [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/74969561/large.png[/img] [b]History[/b] Emma has always been on the quiet side, she was loved by her parents and treated like a princess. She expects things to go her way, just because they always have. While young, she took that chance to learn exactly what her parents wanted in a child and did just that. She was polite, considerate, and got good grades. She even went out of her way to learn how to sing, dance and play the piano because she knew that her parents would enjoy that. As she got older, she grew to just expect people to love her because they have. She gets along with people so well and just enjoys her life. She also knows that her parents expect certain things out of her, so she knew there would always be a day where she'd have to marry who her parents picked out for her. [/center] [/hider] [hider=male character] WIP[center] [b]Name[/b] Oliver Hughes [b]Age[/b] 20 [b]Gender[/b] male [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://a3-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/33/72c51ba7294d4a80b76008f2c6059145/600x600.jpg[/img] [b]History[/b] Oliver was the perfect son. With his parents never being home, he craved what little attention they gave him. He would do anything for them. Which later turned into his parents wanting him rather early on to pick someone else of high stature to marry. He didn't want to do it, but he still yearned for that attention. So, instead he'd just brush off the request and argued that he was too young. He still made them pay attention to him when he did well in school and would fulfill any other request they gave him. His parents still managed to back him up into many corners because of his need to make them love him. Which has started to turn into hate for him, but for some reason he just simply can't find a way out of their clutches. [/center] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=My bodyguard] [b]closed[/b] My character lives in a rich home, with three other siblings. They are the youngest actually, but early on my character's father has named my character as the one who is going to take over the family business. Though, this family business isn't quite normal. This family business happens to be a rather large mafia. My character ends up nearly dead after being named the heir, so the father brings in your character, a loyal young hit man, to protect my character. It's decided that your character will also play as a butler to my character, to disguise the fact that my character needs a bodyguard at all. Your character would be the one to call this attack, having some sort of unhealthy obsession with my character or even just wanting to have control of the business as well. [hider=My character] [hider=female character] [center] [b]Name[/b] Lillian Ellis [b]Age[/b] 18 [b]Gender[/b] female [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://www.culturadecanarias.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/anime-girl-with-short-black-hair-and-glasses.jpg[/img] [b]History[/b] Lillian's father had her during an affair. She, unlike the rest of her siblings, wasn't her mother's daughter. Unfortunately, it didn't lead to a close relationship with her and her mother and it was worsened by her father paying close attention to her rather than her other siblings. While Lillian did have quite a good relationship with most her siblings, she was still seen as more of an outsider. She wasn't expected to get a trust fund and surely the eldest child was going to take over the family business. When she became the actual heir the rest of the family wasn't too happy. She, on the other hand, was pretty thrilled. [/center] [/hider] [hider=male character] [center] [b]Name[/b] Ethan Ellis [b]Age[/b] 18 [b]Gender[/b] male [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/full/05/18/103405.jpg[/img] [b]History[/b] Ethan lived an okay life as the fourth child of his family. He was active in school and constantly topped his older siblings in grades and activities. His father and him spent a lot of time together. Ethan probably knew more about the family business than his siblings. It really wasn't much of a surprise when he was selected to take over for his father. It was much more of a surprise that he had been attacked only three days after the announcement. [/center] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Addiction] [b]Closed[/b] This story is about two really good friends. They had been hanging out with each other since childhood and friend 1 has a crush on friend 2. Still, not wanting to break the good thing they have, friend 1 stays quiet. Throughout high school though, friend 1 starts noticing some weird things going with friend 2. Friend 2 ends up dating some different people. Which is normal, but the person that friend 2 dates always gets obsessive over friend 2, no matter how kind that person was before the two started dating. The break ups were always absolutely awful. The person friend 2 was dating would do anything to try and do anything to make up with friend 2 and sometimes it ended in some really extreme things. Friend 1 also starts to notice that obsessive nature in themselves, jealousy hitting them strong when friend 2 starts dating anyone. There's also this little satisfaction or tingle sensation friend 1 gets just by touching friend 2 in any way, friend 1 believes it's just part of their crush, but it's way more complicated than that. The two end up having to go their separate ways before they graduate. Friend 1's parents moving out of state forcing the two apart. Though, it isn't long that the two see each other again. Friend 1 and 2 end up being roommates in college, by complete coincidence. It had been three years since the two had seen each other or even talked to each other. That old crush that friend 1 had, never seemed to die out at all, and this time friend 1 doesn't want to be forced apart from friend 2 and will do anything in their power to make sure they never are apart again. So, what this plot is getting at basically is that friend 2 has some kind of magical thing going on with them where anyone physical with them becomes literally addicted to them. It usually takes a kiss for the effects to be strong enough, but in friend 1's case they have been around friend 2 long enough where it has just been an addiction that they weren't aware of. Anyway, I'd like to play friend 2 in this, and I'd really love to explore the dark parts that could be brought out by this type of situation. [hider=characters] [hider=female character] [center] [b]Name[/b] Jade Taylor [b]Age[/b] 19 [b]Gender[/b] female [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dxdfanon/images/3/34/Anime-brown-hair-cool-girl-Favim.com-2924172.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160316175401[/img] [b]History[/b] May add one later, too lazy to add one now [/center] [/hider] [hider=male character] [center] [b]Name[/b] Leon Taylor [b]Age[/b] 19 [b]Gender[/b] male [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/1f8aaf64c9bf9670ec875a4b616f9fae/sgqbzhu/FvSmtymtn/tumblr_static_animeschoolboy.jpg[/img] [b]History[/b] May add one later, too lazy to type one up now [/center] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=My God My Love] There is a village that has always done well. They have never had famine or disease take their people and their wars have always been won. The reason for this, the god they praise lives in their village. This god is feared by the citizens as well as praised. The biggest thing that the god has demanded from this village is a human sacrifice every twenty years. The village chooses the sacrifice at a young age to make sure that this child knows that they will not have much of a future. The village doesn't kill the person, the person is just supposed to enter the home of the god and then the village never hears from that person again. It is assumed that the god kills those people. The newest sacrifice, however was special. They seemed to be chosen by the other gods specifically for the job of being sacrificed. It gets much more interesting, when the day of the sacrifice happens. There's a huge festival as always, and the person goes into the home of the god. This villager doesn't disappear like the rest. In face, the next day the villager is seen walking around the village as if nothing had happened at all. Except that they are no longer allowed to live in their own home and must live with this god that has found love. I want to be the sacrifice. Your character can be a dark terrible god or even a nice god, I don't mind either, but my character will not be the first sacrifice so there will have to be a reason for why these others have disappeared and what happened to them. [hider] [hider=female character] [center] [b]Name[/b] Hope Davis [b]Age[/b] 23 [b]Gender[/b] female [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/39/32/57/3932570353d4c143bf1ff4efaa6dda46.jpg[/img] [b]History[/b] [/center] [/hider] [hider=male character] [center] [b]Name[/b] Christopher Davis [b]Age[/b] 23 [b]Gender[/b] male [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ec/19/53/ec195388b205b41fa6c0d8fdc919b035.jpg[/img] [b]History[/b] Will make one up later [/center] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] There will be more to come as I think of more ideas!