[center][h1][color=39b54a]Robert Moore[/color][/h1][h3]Catch Up Post - Day 6:Morning[/h3][/center] [hr] [center][i]Afternoon/Evening Post coming later[/i][/center] [hr] Robert turned as he picked up his glass of water in time to see the man sitting next to him flexing for the Asian man. He blinked, then grinned. He started back, water in hand when the man did some ridiculous and very impressive stunt. The man definitely worked out. Robert discreetly checked his biceps. Then he glanced back at that man as he bowed and made a comparison. He grimaced. Maybe he should work out too? Nah, that would be silly, or pointless, or something. It took years of effort to reach that level of strength, and it would take a lot of food to maintain grow and maintain that muscle mass. Right now, it was more important to focus on survival and ensuring there would be plenty of food and water to go around. He wasn't sure how much was left, and he wasn't too assured about the hunting prowess of the survivors in the bunker. After all, quite a few of them had been civilians and even if a lot of them hunted, there was no guarantee they had the supplies they needed for the hunting they had done, or that animals behaved the way they used to. He winced as his head throbbed again and flopped down into his chair, completely missing the girl who stumbled in and passed out in a corner. He was thinking about supplies when his train of thought skidded to a halt. [i]Wait a second... did the Asian man say something about getting hot with some girl!?[/i] His eyes widened and attempted not to goggle at the man. He failed miserably. It took a few long moments for him to pull himself together. Alright, they were adults here, so he shouldn't have been surprised. Rather, it was one of his business, yeah. He tried to ignore it when the man started talking about controlling the fire inside him or something and willpower. It was a relief when the Asian man left. Robert's was busy focusing on his own willpower to not think about anything other than his food. He was pretty sure his face was red. He decided to beat a hasty retreat before people could ask why he was blushing to his ears.