As Sirren and his assigned mentor marched through the halls, he eyed the other passing Marines warily. None caught his eye as so much as the Lamenter; a member of possibly the only chapter of Blood Angels successors more cursed than the Flesh Tearers themselves. Given their recent pentiant crusade into the Eye of Terror, the poor bastard could be the last of his chapter and not even know it. Sirren exhaled from his nose sharply at the thought, a gesture he repeated often that went unnoticed by most. Another unspeakable tragedy, and the galaxy would not move a single nanometer for the mention of it. Arriving at Sirren's chambers, he was relieved to see that his equipment had been stored here without any undue harm coming to his personal effects. And of course, a requisitioned Blood Casket took up most of the spartan quarters, its golden surface casting strange reflections on the rest of the room. It took Sirren a moment to find its controls, given that this was a Blood Angels model and was subtly different from the pattern of sarcophagi that he was used to, but he opened it to reveal the myriad of wires, tubing and needles that made the device seem much like an iron maiden. "You may stay if you like," Sirren said, still inspecting the Casket, "Perhaps you would regale me with your exploits as a brother of the Deathwatch thus far? I will be performing a few maintenance rituals in our spare time. Given the opportunity, I should like to do the same to each of the Blood Caskets in the fortress." Removing some of the external panels, Sirren was able to access the inner workings of the device. Normally used to implant Sons of Sanguinius with gene seed, this one had been modified like many others to filter their blood for impurities, stimulate their supplementary organs, and many other functions thought to reign in the Red Thirst and stave off the Black Rage. Hormone injectors, carbon-fiber dialysis filters, and high pressure intubators were all checked for wear and disrepair as Sirren chanted various litanies to his Primarch and the machine spirit of the Casket. His armor did not impede him in the least, as part of his Apothecary training to excel in precise movements in armor and while under fire. The programming of the automated process was checked for irregularities; Larraman's Organ paralyzed to prevent blood clots, Catalepsean Node stimulated to induce catatonia, both primary and secondary hearts arrested as the Casket assumes pulmonary function, Oolitic Kidney function assumed by dialysis, Haemastamen drained and cleansed with anticarcinogenic tonics, Omophagea suppressed with neurolytic agents, Neuroglottis electroshocked to lower olfactory sensitivity, and finally regular function would be resumed in mirroring stages. All seemed to be in order.