[center][img]https://puu.sh/thNTd/cd01dfcd8a.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]Patients Quarters F1[/h3][/center] Felix was a bit surprised to hear Davis' plea for the sword. He was completely convinced that the sword belonged to him. But was it ok to give it away? Davis wasn’t exactly stable right now, so maybe it would be better to hold onto the sword until his judgment clears up. but before Felix could respond, a recorded message played behind him. His eyes flinched for a second when he turned around to the sight of a…a mummy? He had seen her on the monitor in the elevator but still. Of all the weird people he encountered thus far, this one would have to take the cake. Felix assumed that Rika, who had just introduced herself as such, was mute. That or the most awkward person he ever met. Because of the recorder and the bandages, Felix couldn’t exactly figure out how she felt, which made it hard for him to come up with a response. Not that he needed one, as Davis aggressively grabbed the sword out of Felix’s hands. It probably should have scared or surprised Felix, but instead, he didn’t move a muscle and just leaned against the wall watching him rant, this time without a smile. Davis lost his cool too fast and that was uncalled for. It was not as if Felix didn’t understood why Davis did it, but if we all started acting that, than casualties would inevitably pile up. Of course the commotion was sure to attract more people, the first of which was another mummy. The guy seemed to get ready for a fight, so Felix looked at him while shaking his head and raise his right hand, an effort to reassure him that everything is under control. For now though, he would let Davis vent, hoping that Rika wouldn’t judge Felix for not interfering. At least Davis made some good arguments as to why the sword belonged to him, enough to convince Felix. When Davis finished his little outburst after antagonizing the blood donor, Felix put another smile on his face while Davis said his last words. [color=fff200]“You’re welcome buddy.”[/color] He nodded as Davis disappeared into his room. When he turned around Ice was already in the distance and walking away. So with that mess done it was time to finally introduce himself to Rika. [color=fff200]“Hiya, I’m Felix, and apparently a cat lover as well as the infinite free runner…”[/color] He reached out his hand to greet Rika with a big smile and afterwards scratched the back of his head while continuing. [color=fff200]“Oh and don’t get yourself worked up over that flamboyant banana, I’m sure he is just in love with the present I gave him. I mean, I sure wouldn’t want to see my love in someone else’s hands.”[/color] He looked at Rika with a soft and big smile before spotting a girl struggling to find her way towards the 2. Watching her walking towards him with her eyes closed put a frown on Felix’s face. He only realized she was blind after she asked an otherwise stupid question. At the same time, a tall man approached them. Felix nodded in response to Daimyon’s question. Londe seemed like the guy who always shows interest towards others, without negating his own. A commendable trait. And then Daimyon’s poem, which would normally cringe the hell out of Felix, turned out to be very comforting, even though it wasn’t meant for him. Daimyon did not stay long, as he already started leaving them. He waved as the poet moved on, and returned his attention towards Aleecia. After he reached into his pockets, and emerged with his e-handbook, he was ready to instruct her. [color=fff200]“Okay first of all, you can use the e-handbook to record video, sound, and photos. There are also maps of the first floor of Axis Mundi available; I’m guessing that the map will be updated once we unlock more floors. As for the Rules…”[/color] Felix stopped in the middle of his sentence and the corners of his mouth lowered while he looked at Aleecia. He immediately forced a grin and continued with his lighthearted instruction trying to sound cheerful and relaxed. [color=fff200]“The first rule basically says that leaving the hospital is a big no no, though that probably won’t be an issue for now as I haven’t exactly found an exit…[i]yet[/i]. Rule two tells us that between 10 pm and 7 am certain areas are off limit, not that it says which ones, stupid bear. The third one you’ll like, so as long as we follow the rules that Monokuma made, they can’t hurt us, not the bear nor the dolls. [i]But[/i] we can’t hurt them either, that is what rule four says at least. Also, make sure you don’t give away your E-handbook, because rule five says so, although it doesn’t specify if it can be stolen or lost. Rule 6 forbids us to kick down the doors with the ‘no entry’ signs, so I guess we can’t be a wanton. And rule 7…rule 7 cures a person who kills someone and gets away with it, whatever ‘Cured’ means. But hey, you can at least find solace in rule eight; it denies Monokuma and the dolls access to our personal rooms, so whenever you feel anxious, just calm down in your cabin. Maybe a friend will even join you since there is no rule against that. Okay, so the last rule is a bit of a hit or miss. You either see an opportunity or a disadvantage, but either way, you’ll be safe in your room, remember that. So…From 12 to 1 am…rules 3 to 7 become nonexistent. And that covers just about all of the rules that we have to abide to. By the way, I don’t think I got your name. I’m Felix, although I’m sure you have already seen my flashy introduction on the monitors yesterday.”[/color] He almost reached out his hand for a shake, completely forgetting her blind nature. At this point, Mary came by and informed him of the speech that the Monk had planned. He was eager to hear what the monk had to say and the reactions as well. But at the same time, he didn’t want to alienate Rika and Aleecia, so chose to only go if they went.