Atty: *chuckles* that doesn't surprise me. Kat gets on these kicks where she dyes people's hair. I think she gave Aless rainbow dreads once. And as long as it's not weird. *looks at Logan* wanna help me deliver Roland to the girls? I promise, watching him be a princess is hysterical. Aless: *smiles* yay! Oh! Mal, what color glitter would go good with Roland's flower crown? Clary: *comes back with Cole and Billie* I found them! And B said she'd help. Cole: dude man, silver glitter sounds like it'd be... how would it be put? Billie: *chuckles* fabulous, babe. The word is fabulous. I'm just here for the show. We don't have one around here. I would, but then I won't sleep tonight. Yeah. Well, now that I'm more awake... ha ha. Um. Hmmm... I'd say vamps, something about her screams, 'I wanna shove a stake into their hearts. Every last one of them.' I think that was funny. Ha ha. But now can I ask him why he wanted to be a doctor? Since it was a pre-existing thing and he is for real a first gen hunter. She is. I like her and I don't even know her!! It's been added. Is it bad that I have this image of them having a meeting where everyone is all rambunctious and Rhi is just sitting there next to Eli and kinda mumbles, "why does this feel like high school all over again?"