[quote=@Feisty-Pants] Hm. Obviously stickong to the shadows is the first main option. Second is probably grabbing all seven pokeballs sonce you won't know which one has Vix. Third is the mention of a front door. So maybe making for that is the key here? Sneak in through the secret entrance, stick to the outer edges, grab the balls, and make for the door? [/quote] If I read it correctly, they're not in pokeballs but rather green tubes full of what Cave Johnson would call Science Juice. So we can clearly see a Ninetails in one of them, we just need to get her out (into a ball would be best I think) and go. Which actually gives us some help because that should mean Vix herself can act. At the very least I think she should notice the boys and make some sign or motion or w/e that it's her, since Jaden may not recognize her. Past that, I wonder if a distraction may be in order, maybe a container of evolution stones gets tipped over (I'd assume they have some since they make a lot of evolutions easy and fast)... Oh, [@Black Panther] I owe you an apology, I consistently forget to tag you in these discussions. I am sorry, I will do everything I can to stop doing that.