This is what I've thought of so far. Let me know how you feel about her or if you think i'm going way crazy here! [Hider=Sybil] Name: Sybil Hathwrone Gender: Female Age: 26 Species: Human Appearance: [Hider=Sybil Hathwrone][img][/img][/hider] Average hieght for a female, Sybil works hard to maintain an unassuming appearance. Favoring leather boots, shirts, and a cloak over lace and ribbons, she often has dirt and mud smudge across her face. Her clothes are functional, containing viable and hidden pouches alike and at least three daggers can be seen in reach. Emerald eyes remain nuetral until something catches her fancy and they light up like a chandelier, accompanied by a razor sharp smile. Personality: Sybil comes off as frigid to most. Quick to discourage closeness, she tends to isolate herself with a sharp tongue and a mean look. She hates drawing out pointless discussion and frankly most people bore her, toiling away wrapped up in the politics of their petty lives. She suffers severe wander lust and indulges in it frequently. To those that have wriggled into her heart, she warms up and frequently drops in on them unexpected with gifts and wonderful stories. Bio: At first glance, many would assume Sybil was born of the common class. Well, they would assume correct. Sybil grew up in a family that served another for several decades. When the head of their masters discovered her latent magical talent, she immediately enrolled Sybil in schooling along with her own son, Eric Thorne. The pair battled bitterly in school with Sybil slowly outpacing the boy in academics and magic. When they graduated their respective universities, Sybil graduated at the front of her class and Eric fifth. Moving forward, the aging head of the family granted Sybil the position as Head of Magical research of the family as Eric worked for the city. During the four years, Sybil advanced gravitational manipulation magic by leaps and bounds, developing stable patterns and incantations for a previously dangerous branch of the arcane arts. Her final achievement, a spell strong enough to temporarily alter gravity over an entire city ordered by a wealthy construction family, was halted at the death of the head of the family when Sybil turned 24. As Sybil flourished, Eric was turned into a mockery. Terrible at politics and his magical studies left unattended, he took the chance to resign at the death of his Mother and step up as head of the family. Eric discovered Sybil's notes on the project and stole them to claim credit for himself but not before dealing with the girl. Framing her family as theives, Sybil and her family were forced to flee in poor conditions into the mountains. Her parents passed quickly and so would have she if a travelling apothecary hadn't discovered her passed out. The apothecary, Jace, nursed Sybil back to health before taking her in an apprentice, never asking for her history. Sybil took on the name Thelma Adder as she noticed wanted posters of herself and her family. She kept her noticeably red hair cut and covered while soldiers bearing the Thorne family crest swept through the area periodically. After a year, Sybil decided to resume her studies and worked under Jace's roof, collecting hard to gather herbs for the aging man. After all, being able to walk up a cavern wall made the job much easier. Friends: Jace Beldin, Abby Beldin (Jace's daughter), David Nelson(A loyal friend from university, only contacts via letters) Family: Joseph Hathwrone(Father - Deceased), Mary Hathwrone (Mother - Deceased) Sentimental Attachment: Other:[/hider]