Logan: *raises brow* And you guys just let her dye your hair? *Chuckles* Sure, dont really have anything else to do. Mal: *thinks for a second* I'm go with red like the roses. *Wipes hand on pants as Clary and the other girls come up* Alright I'll be right back with the crown. Kat: *nods* Oh sliver glitter would be pretty. I have some of that. Oh thats sad cause walmart sucks. You never get all your pills from walmart around here. Eh thats true, Haha that works for me, she kind of does have that look about her, doesnt she. Shes a total smartass too. Like I had this sense in my head where Axel flirted with her. And Tali was like. "Awe thats cute. But I would break you sweeti." Then she just walks away. Taylor: It really wasnt for any really special reason. I just like helping people. Plus I dont turn people away because I dont have time. *Whispers* His mother was sick a lot, and because they were no bodies and couldnt pay for treatments. She ended up dying. Shes a hoot in a half. Yay! Haha no thats actually beautiful.