[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] The oldest of the knights hadn't done much to directly fight the bandits, having mostly made a mess of their mounts and left them as easy prey for those following behind, but had trapped one of them. "Trapped" was a strong word, considering that she had mostly forced the horse off the girl's broken leg, but the foot on her chest and the sword by her neck left no illusions as to exactly what her current status was. On the plus side for the bandit, Tyaethe had no interest in her right now and was trying to do something that was difficult, if not nigh impossible, to achieve: a staring contest through two visors. It was a bit odd to be shorter in armour for once, even though the difference wasn't so great. "I must request that you reveal your identity, as recent events make it unwise for the Iron Roses to trust anyone so hidden," the paladin stated, still trying to meet eyes with their strange counterpart. They definitely matched Alette's description for her employer's contact... yet they were also after the shard, from the way they were going? To be beset by bandits as well made any idea of "coincidence" farcical.