[center][color=pink][h3]Amaterasu[/h3] Level 1 Day 1; Evening Kingdom of Erion - Raganival, Forest Beyond Castle Grounds Mention: Interaction:[@Lmpkio][@Zarkun][@Bright_Ops] Word: 189[/color][/center] [hr] Ammy wagged her tail and barked at James, Samus, and Luigi to wish them well on their perilous scouting mission. She didn't normally bother with that sort of thing, preferring to just run into the dungeon and bash her head into any problems she came across, but Ammy was nothing if not good at doing as she was told and if they wanted her to stay put for just a little while she could do that. The sleeping princess, and whatever treasure was waiting for them in that castle, wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon. Besides, if they managed to cultivate some of that yummy looking fruit before they called back the all clear so much the better. She looked back over at Hapu's giant horse and went over to join him. If the other team got in trouble, which was practically inevitable in this kind of work, they'd need to Rapidly race off to help. She had no doubt that they would be able to catch up to the scout team in moments, so she curled up on the ground and kept one eye open in case of trouble.