[@The 4 Winds][@El Noche] [center][h3]"Mock hunt" a test of strength[/h3][/center] Two goblins decided because of the rain to instead train their bodies and minds in a "mock hunt" as the bare knuckle goblin called it. Soon however Goblin Lomen used the skill [b]challenge[/b] and whether he intended it or not it got every goblins attention. Even goblin grandpa who was resting after hearing the roar stood up in attention ready to fight as if he was young again. When he noticed it was simply one of the young ones he breathed out a sigh of relief. He then walked over and sat down to watch the show. He remembered when he did his first sparring match among his own siblings, ah such memories. He didn't say anything he simply made sure to watch wondering if it would be the cleverness of lomen who would prevail or the sheer ferocity that Zectoll possessed that would win. [hr] [@December] The runt of the goblin family scurried back into his little hiding place being that he was so small only he could go through the small space. The goblin was soon trying to chip at the walls of oddly colored rocks, however because he had no tools for it the best he could manage to do was break off a small piece of the rocks around him still it would be enough for goblin grandpa to identify it should he give it to him and ask what the rocks were. [hr] [@Duthguy] The old goblin noticed stegs one of the others come over to him no doubt wanting to know something himself. The old goblin wasn't ignoring any of them he was simply drawn to the fight the same way he no doubt felt stegs felt. He was simply sitting allowing the young goblin to ask any question he would like to know while he watched the fight, no reason he couldn't multitask.