Derrick awoke slowly, although the what he saw when he opened his eyes made him hope he was asleep. The pain in his leg and head convinced him otherwise, however, and made him open his eyes. The dank cell was dimly lit enough without the headache worsening matters, but he could clearly see that they were in a prison of some sort. As his eyes adjusted he saw that a lot of the cells were in bad repair, and he quietly hoped that their cell was in a similar situation. No such luck, unfortunately. Derrick shifted and a dull pain shot through his leg. He put his hand to it and felt the holes before bringing his hand up to his face. Flecks of dry blood lined his fingers meaning that the bleeding had stopped a little while ago. But as if a fog had been lifted, Derrick suddenly remembered his companions. People who took the same commission and agreed to working together wasn't exactly the most unbreakable bond, but he was worried about them regardless. Derrick saw dim shapes in the dark counting 2 others in the cell with him, which matched the numbers. They stirred shortly, indicating that they were at least alive. Derrick looked at the two. Despite the dim lighting he was sure that they didn't come out of the experience unscathed. He spoke up, trying to get their attention. "Uh..." He began nervously. "...Are we all alright?"