[center][color=A9A9A9] [h3] Lomen [/h3] [/color][/center] [@Jangel13][@El Noche] [hr] With the hit Lomen had anticipated the attacks but still got hit squarely in the chest with the first jab, barely able to step back and dodge the right jab. It appeared that even with his ability to dodge it only went so far against speed. This was an invaluable lesson for Lomen in that he couldn't only rely on his skills to pull him through a fight unscathed. With that in mind Lomen backed up so that he was a bit further than before, attempting to stay just outside Zectoll's reach and inside his own. Since he was already moving the punch didn't damage him too much but it was a hit that could add up faster than Lomen wanted to take. Lomen stepped forwards with his left leg and drew his right hand back, seeming to go for another big swing. What he would actually aim for would be a jab with his left using [b]Heavy strike[/b]. Lomen was attempting a feint. After he would crouch down and use the momentum from the punch to try a leg sweeping move with his right leg, using the left leg as a pivot and his hands as stabilizers to help him dash back a bit if the attack was successful. Either way this was an interesting bout as blood pulsed through his body, making a small growl escape as he was crouched down. Lomen was still vigilant and kept his eyes on Zectoll's movements, trying to find attacks that he could replicate later on and how to best avoid them.