[quote=@Raineh Daze] Fortunately, only one person has a constantly repeatable ranged attack and Vader already decided to take the rocket equivalent attack to the face. So a lack of synergy (because these aren't complete novices) has been more than equalised. <.< ... besides, what do you care about the outcome? [/quote] The Force would've lessened the impact by an agreeable margin. Vader isn't the type of guy who will be deterred by a blast like that. He even fought 8 Jedi on Kessel, killing all but 3 and it takes them combined to even hold Vader back by cutting an arm off him. Yes Vader was then saved by stormtroopers, however this can't really be used against him because at that point. It was only 1 month after Mustafar, so Vader still needed to improve/get stronger and get used to his suit. The fact that he still was able to do this and the fact it took 3 Jedi combined to hold him shows how powerful he still was... and is. Remember, this is Expanded Universe Darth Vader (combined with some traits from canon), so he's nothing to scroff at. I say to let them fight for just a little longer, maybe rattle Vader down a bit, and retreat by stalling him. Again, like I said, I will allow them to win/make Vader fall back in their next confrontation if one does so happen to arise. I want [@thewizardguy] to make his own opinion on this though.