[quote=@Leslie Hall] [@Lmpkio] Oh that's right your Librarium character is going to be a Devil Slayer. Yeah I'd rather you didn't. We already have Raijin and Fenrir working on characters for those spots after all. Though just a quick note, because I didn't mention it in the OP. The S Class and Slayer roles are privileges. There's no first come first serve basis with them; we're accepting them based on who presents us with the CS' that meets our standards the best. [/quote] Well that just completely dampens the mood now does it... I've always wanted to play a Devil Slayer for I never played one before and I thought I reserved a spot. Now to be said that I can't do it because of this? No offense, and call me self-fish, but I feel it's been denied from me... and it's almost finished too... was going to finish it in the morning too.