[quote=@Lmpkio] Well that just completely dampens the mood now does it... I've always wanted to play a Devil Slayer for I never played one before and I thought I reserved a spot. Now to be said that I can't do it because of this? No offense, but I feel it's been taken away from me... and it's almost finished too... was going to finish it in the morning too. [/quote] Aw, man. I'm really sorry. Though I was pretty clear when asked about reserving spots that I wasn't doing it ([url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4104684]Source for anyone who wants to check my receipts[/url]). Then this roleplay sort of just blew up with interest, so I had change the two character rule because it would overwhelm us at the start. You're more then welcome to bench Ezekiel as your secondary character and put in your Devil Slayer CS for inspection. Only two of the three submitted can make the cut; but all three GM's are working to ensure that they are judged fairly and without bias.