[color=f7941d]Theme Song:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vAIyHF2pdo]Theme[/url] [center][h1]"If you fight fate, fate will fight you back... a thousandfold!"[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VV6FjtT.png[/img] [img]https://minecraftbuildinginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Future-City-3.2-Minecraft-amazing-6.jpg[/img][/center] [h3]"Ever wonder that shapes are more than to its physical meaning? It is the same as how you view the world. You know only a slice of it but out there is the bigger picture. Now colors itself, is a wider picture and let me tell you where it begins"[/h3] [hr] [color=f7941d][u][b]Game Masters and Staff[/b][/u] [/color][@Indra] [color=f7941d][u]Co-GM 1 [/u][/color][@Empath] [color=f7941d][u]Co-GM 2 [/u][/color]TBA [color=f7941d][u][b]Writing Level[/b][/u] [/color]High Casual [color=f7941d][u][b]Players Wanted[/b][/u] [/color]No more than 12 because 12 is my magic number, my mind may change because 12 is my max. [color=f7941d][u][b]Genre[/b][/u] [/color]Super Cyberpunk, Adventure, Mystery, Sci-fi, School and fantasy. This is an original RP I created inspired by Strike The Blood, To Aru Majutsu no Index, The Flash's DC Comics, and Rakudai Kishi no Calvary. Each of us are different individuals situated in an advanced world where discovery is the big Q. Day by day, there are discoveries and mysteries to unravel as well as crimes to solve and not just murder cases. Need not need to know TAMNI or Flash, if you know how metahuman works then that's good enough. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjhhOGE4YS5VM2x1YjNCemFYTSwuMAAA/pirate-keg.regular.png[/img] [color=f7941d][b]Concept[/b] [/color][color=00a651]"Not everyone has powers."[/color] Even the most weakest person can beat a genius so to say black and white mixes? What's your morale? [color=f7941d][b]Timeline[/b] [/color] The story takes place in the early 2030's. More so specifically, 2030 itself. Infrastructures are not as advanced as you may think but we have like Shimizu Pyramid City, China Sky City, Tachyon Devices, Electric based Vehicles, Robots/Droids and Androids being rare and finally the famed Uverhumans aka Espers. [color=f7941d][b]Setting[/b] [/color] Colors takes place in the populace of Japan's Tokyo and second capital Shimizu, where the Platinum Age of Science and Technology is. Japan is filled with a whole lots of advancements, from cleaner robots, soldier bots, and AEDMIN yet they still continue to maintain their ancestral connections, monuments and moral codes. The country is not the only country with plenty of advancements, countries affiliated with the United Nations are advanced as well. Shimizu is a floating country that is a Pyramid and contains 25 mini pyramids, housing many villages and districts. This City is only accessible to those with AEDMIN = Arc Electromagnetic Dynamic Multi Interface Network; a watch that is worn by people called Uverplorers ranging from students, teachers etc. On the outside world of the city, people do not know the existence of Uverhumans. Adam Pride aka God of Science is the man of the century who developed Uverhumans to their extreme potentials and is involved in many crime and terrorist events, he fights against criminality with his 12 Suns, the level 10 Espers. These Espers are role model figures of society and the strongest soldiers of their country and each Level 10 per country. The purpose of the Strange Cities is to research and unravel the mystery of Uverhumans, Strange Cities, and strange phenomena. No matter how progressive the world is, darkness will always exist to throw it off balance, Uverhuman Criminals exist and use their powers to terrorize peace furthermore AEDMIN thieves steals the lives of many. It's a new year in this year's 2030. People are harvesting efforts to get as pass to Shimizu. Only those with AEDMIN can get a pass. Speaking of the same thing with other strange cities. [color=f7941d][u][h3]The Story[/h3][/u] [/color] Long ago back in November, the United Nations were peaceful but then everything changed when the II Great Pacific War happened which is caused by China. The war lasted for six years and claimed many lives. How bad it can be if one is born with Uverseed and how good can it be? With such being, a lot of people are dying to take what they want and when they want. November is a lost month because of the PACWARS. Institutes are made to nurture Uverhumans and everyday they are dying because of us humans killing our fellow humans. After the war, Adam Pride united the world from the shadows with his God Fearing abominations, the 12 Suns. Under his rule, the world is silence and blind justice is totally approved and neglected by many because they still believe it's justice, what a colorful world it is. Adam Pride is Law, Adam Pride is Love, Adam Pride is Everything. People are forced to get it inside their systems otherwise they will die. It is a struggle that little knows of and view Adam Pride as the sovereign Emperor of Earth under his Imperial Rule. He plans like the Devil and selects those who are deserving to be an Uverhuman and continues to kill corrupt officials with his Legion of Assassins. Enraged and humiliated, the people of the world sought a revolution to end Adam's imperial reign and kill Uverhumans and gain freedom but what can they do if they have to fight fire with fire? Simple they can't because Adam strikes like the Devil and finds those who attempts to succeed. He knows this very well and therefore he assigned a curriculum program to E.N.M.A = Erika Nowaki Martyr Academy to travel around the world and end conflicts to keep his reign running. However little does he know that some of the E.N.M.A are against his goals, these students are rebels and would take advantage of this traveling experience to take him down from the inside, Adam is well aware of this and exiled his own daughter on a quest to kill the rebels and find the Uverprime. Having heard of the Uverprime, The Tsurara Clan makes their move as well. [color=f7941d][u][b]Your Role In the Story[/b][/u] [/color] A lot actually. You're not just limited to a student. You will play as the Protagonists the rebel side of E.N.M.A and The Infamous Blenders which includes Uverhumans, as "Protagonists" You are no hero but a True Vigilante who works from the shadows to stop Adam Pride. Those with Adam Pride are The Orion; a an organization that enforces his rules and continually deceive people on how awesome he is. The main focus of the story is to UNRAVEL MYSTERIES and character development, stopping Adam Pride is the end game. You may as well be a Dragonive, Adam Pride's faction that is against the rebels and kills them or one of the 12 Suns. Remember,not everyone has powers. Yes, an ENMA Rebel side students are allied or a part of Blenders. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjhhOGE4YS5VbTlzWlhCc1lYa2dVblZzWlhNLC4wAAAAAA,,/pirate-keg.regular.png[/img] I call this Ten Commandments ✠ Thou Shall Keep General RPG Rules. ✠ Thou Shall Respect and Communicate With One Another. Unity keeps an RP strong, if you don't like each other then you don't belong here. RPs fail due to this main reason. It is not limited to Respect but Communication. ✠ Thou Shall Put Consistency to Application 24/7. ✠ Thou Shall Not Make Perfect Characters. We burn Mary Sues and Gary Stus. ✠ Thou Shall Research. RPs fail for the lack of knowledge. ✠ Thou Shall Keep Important Holidays As The Time to Spend with Family and Friends. No RPing on events like Christmas, Thanksgiving etc. RP will be totally closed on December. I can also say, don't RP on your Birthday but this is optional. ✠ Thou Must Only Store 2 Characters, One Boy, One Girl. ✠ Thou Shall Update Character Sheets once a story Arc is finished. This is to ensure that nobody cheats with development and edit it like a wikipedia. ✠ Everyone is entitled to write a story arc. As long as it blends with the GMS plan. ✠ Thou Must Keep Commitment. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjhhOGE4YS5VWFZsYzNScGIyNXpJR0Z1WkNCQmJuTjNaWEp6LjAAAA,,/pirate-keg.regular.png[/img] [color=f7941d][b]Who Am I?[/b] [/color] I am Indra, the one and only Shounen Rival Lover. I love the second protagonist because I believe they have more development compare to the Main Character. I am a big fan of Justice hence my love for DC Comics but I'm also a Marvel Fan at heart. I am not afraid to say that Sasuke Uchiha is my number one favorite character of all time because he is one of the most well written characters in Naruto. I've been Rping for about 6 years now. When it comes to Roleplays. I aim for original creations and lesser on fandom. I really love the theme of Adventure and Mystery Thriller in a story. Colors is one of them, an original RP that is Detective Comics based but not power lore wise. I am no elitist but I personally believe that Constructive Criticism Program is a method that betters one another. Another thing, Ice is my favorite choice of power in an RP as well as games, fire is my favorite though as well as lightning. That is all about me~ [color=fdc68a][b]What is an Uverhuman?[/b] [/color] An Uverhuman is a super powered human that uses magic, is protected by a Prana Shield which makes them ten times durable than a regular human. Their magic reserve is called Prana. They come in ten levels. I am gonna slowly reveal more of this in story but if you have questions ask me and my Co-Gms. [color=f7941d][b]What is AEDMIN?[/b] [/color] Arc Electromagnetic Dynamic Multi Interface Navigator or Network. It is a super watch only worn by those branded by Adam Pride or wealthy people. The watch itself has access to strange cities. It's also Multipurpose, it's basically a laptop, PC, Iphone, Ipad etc all in one package. It has 3.5 D Graphics and has an A.I called Seneca. It also has nanochips installed that can summon clothing and change clothes in an instant. [b]Planets and whatnot?[/b] In this age, Mars, Keppler and three more other planets are already terraformed and have an eccentric replica of countries of our planet earth. [color=f7941d][h2]Factions[/h2] [/color][b]E.N.M.A aka Red Pandas[/b] Go way back after WWII, E.N.M.A is used to function as a school for persons with disabilities and its used to take custody for those brave soldiers during the war as well as the weak. As of Adam Pride's reign, he implemented the curriculum called[b] World Travel[/b] for the sole purpose of killing those against his plans. Another purpose of E.N.M.A is to recruit Uverhumans who are rejected by society and train them up to protect the world from the shadows. The students are not well aware of world travel although some are well aware of it, where in fact the true purpose of World Travel is to travel around the world and discover lost worlds and Adam Pride took advantage of it because he is intergalactically wanted dead. Lastly, there are two sides to the school, the rebel faction and Pro-Prides. [b]The Blenders aka Colorless Paper[/b] Consisting of multiple rebel groups forged into one. They are everywhere, spies, chefs etc. They are your everyday hardworking and not hardworking citizens that are rebels. Inside each country, they functions similar to Ninjas in form of gangsters aka vigilantes taking down crime and corruption as well as Adam Pride's experiments. Rumors says that this gang is formed by a 12 year old kid two years ago. Yes, they are a very young group and never for many years have they been causing a whole mess in Adam Pride's plans. (Most of the characters would be part of this) [b]The 12 Cobalt Suns aka Blue Phoenix[/b] They are delicately loyal to Adam Pride, not only that each of them are the strongest Uverhuman per country that they're born in. The Suns are not just your everyday crowd control enforcers and crime fighters, they are also viewed as celebrities by the media and are loved by the people because of their huge fame. According to the media, their per net income is 1 Million US Dollars. The 12 Suns are also used for experiment purposes and discoveries. [u]NOT PLAYABLE YET [/u] [b]The Dragons aka Blackness[/b] They are the Pro-Prides and will not stop at nothing to eradicate those against Pride and will preach their way through deception. They are the equivalent of Illuminati and manipulate their way in the things they do, they are like the Blenders but with more resources due to the funds they receive from Pride himself. [b]The Tsurara Clan[/b] One of the first families that formed Pyramid City. An elder clan that is said to naturally produces Uverhumans and specializes in ice magic; they are hailed as the strongest Ice Magicians according to Adam Pride because of their abstract usage such as Ice that freezes space portal, ice that freezes magic itself. They are a clan oriented in politics and robotics. After 2024, the clan is ostracized by the Pyramid City officials and put them in the lower blocks of Pyramid City. [i]-Ask me if you want to play one because this is plot oriented.[/i] There will be additional factions but the main conflict is within these four factions. [hider=CS]The purpose of the public CS Data is obvious and I will not explain it. [code][u]Public Character Data[/h1][/u] IMG here Put a character image above - suggesting url as an image source. Any other source is fine too. Delete this line of text after you're done [h3]Personality[/h3] [sub]Data Known to the AEDMIN and by Adam Pride[/sub] [center][i]“Character motto here, something your character would say”[/i][/center] [indent]| Name: | [indent][i]Enter official birthname here - Japanese style, so surname first, then first name.[/i][/indent] | Alias|Nickames|Titles: | [indent][i]Enter nicknames here, given by friends or foes.[/i][/indent] | G e n d er: | [indent][i] (male, female).[/i][/indent] | L E V E L: | [indent][i]This goes from Level 1 to 10. I am only accepting Level 7 and below.[/i][/indent] | A G E: | [indent][i]This cyberpunk era is not a surprise to see a 12 year old in a University or even a High School. I don't care about the ages as long as it make sense with the setting[/i][/indent] | Occupation : | [indent][i]Are you a student or not?[/i][/indent] | Affiliation : | [indent][i]List your allegiances.[/i][/indent] | History: | [indent][i]Where do you come from? Don't reveal too much of your background.[/i][/indent] | Magic: | [indent][i]What is your magic? Remember you are using restricted magic and you are a restricted magic user aka Magic with Limits.[/i][/indent] | Miscs : | [indent][i]Anything else you wanna add like theme songs, guild marks?[/i][/indent] [/indent] Sheet credited to Buddha.[/hider][/code][/hider] [hider=Private CS][code] [h1]Private AEDMIN Data[/h1] IMG Here. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Reputation Known As: [/b] [b]Position: [/b] [b]Nationality: [/b] So obvious... [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Classification: [/b] State if you're an Uverhuman, state if you're a criminal etc....... [b]Age: [/b] [b]Gender:[/b] MALE OR FEMALE [b]Medical Checks:[/b] Explain Bloodtype and effects of being an Uverhuman or illnesses etc. [b]Strengths/Weaknesses: [/b] [b]Magic: [/b] [b]Notes: [/b][/code][/hider] [hider=Magic Mechanics][color=f7941d][h1]Magic[/h1][/color] Magic works here as the source of life pertaining the Uverhumans' prana. Not much is known about magic in general and could only be explained by Uverhuman Studies through Scientists although most of it are lies. They define it as an eccentric discovery of science and put false beliefs into it so that everything stays logical. Where in reality magic is just magic, an entity that breaks the fundamentals of physics. Strictly speaking, all magic is the ability to imbue non-living matter with prana, granting it the ability to carry out a predetermined function that violates the limits of common sense. The key difference between mages is what they have been attuned to upon awakening. As a general rule, the narrower one's attunement, the more powerful the items they can create. Effectively, this means the maximum degree of power a mage has inversely correlates with the versatility of their arsenal. All magicians share a single extrasensory capability: the ability to sense where objects with their prana are at any time and any links made of their own prana. They also possess the ability to revoke prana from an implement at any point. Due to containing prana, a magician's creations are considered under the jurisdiction of the resistance effect.[/hider] [hider= An Uverhuman's Magic][color=f7941d][b]Prana [/b][/color] At its most basic, prana is the energy inherent to every person that makes possible the use of abilities and underlies their biological process. In layman's terms, it is understood as the "life force" of an individual used to fuel the phenomena created by abilities. Although prana exists in all individuals, it behaves differently manner if one has awakened an ability. Because normal humans cannot expend and replenish prana like empowered humans can, the key difference between ability users and non-ability users can be considered the fact that they have dynamic or static prana, respectively. That said, prana isn't necessarily completely irrelevant for normal humans; abnormal prana are believed to be responsible for physiological anomalies. Also referred to as mana, ki, aura or whatever fictional spiritual energy is the current vogue. A phenomenon linked to prana that prevents abilities from acting within the boundary of the human body. [color=f7941d][b]Prana Shield[/b] [/color]The current explanation behind this is that the concentration of prana within the human body prevents external prana from exerting its influence. This is supported by evidence of residual prana building up through what is commonly known as "the prana shield". Past approximately Level 5, excess prana is capable of creating physical interference through the creation of a transparent barrier. This shield does not begin to regenerate until an individual's prana has reached its max capacity, and can be expended to fuel abilities should an ability user run out of internal prana. Due to this phenomenon, it is believed that an individual's prana behaves uniquely or otherwise has unique identifying factors. [color=f7941d][b]Shape System[/b] [/color]Square. An Uverhuman whose magic relies on creativity and is versatile. Triangle. An Uverhuman whose magic relies on brute force and destruction. Circle. An Uverhuman whose magic is both destructive and creative. This type is rare. [u]Level Scale [/u]Level 1 - A normal civilian could cope with this ability. Level 2 - An exceptional civilian could cope with this ability. Level 3 - A group of trained individuals or a substandard ability user are required to deal with the ability. Civilians have become a non-factor in traditional combat, save those leveraging exceptional assets. Level 4 - A full squad of trained individuals or a small group of well-equipped ones should be able to deal with the ability. Level 5 - An average ability user or a substandard ability user backed by a squad of trained individuals could be reasonably expected to be able to deal with this ability. Level 6 - An average ability user back by a squad of trained individuals could be reasonably expected to be able to deal with this ability. Level 7 - A small group of average ability users could be reasonably expected to be able to deal with this ability. Two squads of trained individuals equipped appropriately have a significant chance of coping. Level 8 - An exceptional ability user could be reasonably expected to be able to deal with this ability. Mundane combatants have become a non-factor in traditional combat, save those leveraging exceptional assets. Level 9 - A squad of average ability users are required to deal with this ability, at minimum. Level 10 - Another Level 10 is required to be able to deal with a power of this calibre. In the absence of a Level 10, a sound plan of action, significant assets (intellectual and technologically), a multitude of exceptional ability users, and a willingness to sacrifice them are required at minimum. Uverprime. An Uverhuman without a Prana Shield is said to have Absolute Power. [b]Notes[/b] Due to its nature as an abstraction, certain circumstances can alter one's effective threat level from their theoretical level The system assumes hostile conflict between abilities specialized for combat, but can be applied to utility abilities requiring similar measures to counteract. Substandard, average, and exceptional ability users are defined as those of Level 1-3, Level 4-6, and Level 7-9, respectively.[/hider] [hider=World History and World Building][u][h1]W O R L D H I S T O R Y[/h1][/u] World History happened here. I could use ideas, your ideas to see how different will the world building be in here. Let's team up and make the awesome world building! Japan won World War II. Due to winning World War II, they took advantage of seizing Albert Einstein's works and advanced their field in robotics. There are a lot of differences to know in terms of World History. This also means Hitler won WWII. [b]Kingdom of Canada[/b] Canada allies with the Soviets in the Cold War, betraying the Americans. Canada launches a surprise invasion on their neighbor. Before the US can retaliate Canada seizes the northern half of the country along with Alaska, and the capital. [b]Greater Korea[/b]Korea has expanded its territory to All of Manchuria, a large portion of Eastern Siberia, and a bit of Mongolia. And that it still exist today. [b]Masiphisia Empire[/b] Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Indonesia are all one country. 1/4 of the Empire belongs to Japan and the 1/4 belongs to Spain. [b]Timeline [/b] 2008-2014 II Pacific War lasted for 6 years. After the war, Adam Pride revealed all of the dark secrets of the world in the UN Conference. Furthermore he changed the course of the world with his provision of technology. Tachyon Devices and Uverhuman (re-creation). He's 19 around this age and became the sovereign Emperor of the entire world. It's not a utopia though. It's his technology(inventions) that can potentially put an end to conflict. Which means your character must be born in 2013. It took 3 years to reform the world's system. 2015: Japan's Shimizu Pyramid City is born. Started in 2004. It took 12-13 years to complete it. 2018: Start of the Platinum Age of Science. Magic is discovered but only restricted. Strange Cities like Pyramid City and its citizens are the only ones knows of it. E.N.M.A's beginnings. 2030: Present Timeline. [/hider]