[hider=WIP] [center][h1][u]Librarium Registration Card[/u][/h1] [Center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/5d/cc/b9/5dccb9968953648343d18dcf77a1b63b.jpg[/img][/center] | Personality: | Marth is a sociable type of person, he can be blunt at times but it is because he hates to sugar coat. He is also a rather laid back person who is easily confrontable, when he speaks he has confidence behind his words. He can be a rather arrogant person at times, not seeing many people as his equal or superior, more so as inferior and beneath him. People Marth deems as superior and equal he is a lot more cooperative with them. Marth lives by his ideals of Honor, Courage, and Loyalty, Marth never preys on the weak or the innocent. When he fights he is usually cool and level headed, he knows that any falter or hesitation can lead to death. Marth is a rather smart person, he is completely aware of the corruption within the Librarium though he pays no mind to it. As long as it doesn't interfere with his personal goals he stays out of it. When he meets someone new he will assess them, studying their body language, their looks, and the way they speak. When Marth is on the job he keeps socializing to a minimum, only saying things that have importance to the mission. If you stand in his way of completing what he must do, he won't hesitate to cut you down. [h2]”[color=fff79a][i]If You Dare Defy The Librarium, Prepare To Face My Holy Illumination![/i][/color]”[/h2] | Name: | [i][b]Takahashi, Marth[/b][/i] | Alias|Nickames|Titles: | [i][b]The Paladin, The Excorcist[/b][/i] | G e n d er: | [i][b]Male[/b][/i] | R a n k: | [i][b]A[/b][/i] | Age: | [i][b]19[/b][/i] | Sector : | [i][b]The Library Hunters[/b][/i] | History: | Marth was born and raised in the swampland's below, residing in a small village named Shinpō that followed the practices of one of the sister faiths. An ancient and rare faith that was near completely lost during the war of faiths. This village was still standing however after many years, relocating every now and then in order to survive, though since the war they have settled in a place far off. What drove them To live and survive, the duty of guarding an almighty and powerful book said not to be read by mortal eyes. Deemed to be a holy book, they secured and protected the book in the inner sanctum of their shrine devoted to the hero. Though Marth follows the teachings of his faith, he felt somewhat conflicted since it clashed against his curious and knowledge seeking nature. Of the few, he was curious to know the contents of the book, despite it being a big taboo. Once a month there is a big worship in the shrine, Marth took this as his chance to discover the contents of the book. Curiosity killed the cat Since then life hadn't been the same for him, the big change led Marth on a different road. He eventually Left the village and joined the Librarium at a fairly young age of 15 because of his abilities. He proved to be a powerful asset to the Librarium and climbed the ranks quickly, his skills and magic a lot more fit for combat and dealing with the beasts below. Marth converted faiths, the teaching of mother Juno appealed a lot more to his lifestyle. | Magic: | [h2][b]White devil slayer[/b][/h2] White devil slayer magic is deadliest against demons alike, making them the best akin to slaying demons due to having holy attributes. Devil slayer magic affects a persons body makeup, because Marth is a white devil slayer he has more resistance against holy and white magic. Marth can utilize his devil slayer magic efficiently and also combine it with his enchantment magic to imbue objects with holy attributes. [hider=Spells] Divine light : This spell is more of a defensive/utility spell, the user concentrates magic power towards his body creating a dazzling light blinding those who look at him directly. Holy mark: The user focuses magic power to either hand or in Marths case his weapon. the user then strikes the foe, leaving a stigma on the foes skin. White pledge: The user concentrates magic power in one hand and it into the ground causing pillars of light to rush towards and encircle the foe. Once around the pillars are encircled, they converge on the victim creating a huge pillar damaging the enemy. Holy retribution: The user cups his hands to the side and concentrates magic power into a single point with both hands. The hands are then thrust forward to shoot a steady beam. While shooting the beam Marth can change the trajectory as he pleases. [h3]Secret Art[/h3] Heavenly radiance: The user places both hands above their head and amasses a large amount of radiant magical energy that shines bright like the sun above the users head. Once the user is done channeling he throws it at the target causing massive damage, capable of leaving a large crater in the ground. It is only possible for Marth to use it in the day time because it is a lot easier to gather light, attempting at night with his current level would surely exhaust all of his magical energy, causing death. [/hider] [h2][b]Enchantment magic[/b][/h2] The process of Enchantment amounts to the user to adding their own Magic onto living or inanimate objects, thereby increasing their natural attributes; i.e. enchanting wood to make it stronger than steel. [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Enchantment]here[/url] [hider=Spells] Holy imbue: The user imbues holy attributes onto an object giving it special properties. When imbued to a weapon it can increase its power and lethality. The user must constantly be imbuing magical energy in order to keep up the increased power. Divine touch: The user is able to accelerate the healing process of wounds, depending on how much magic power the user uses is how much the healing of a wound is accelerated. [/hider] | Miscs : | Marth wields a magical sword known as the [url=https://www.karatemart.com/images/products/large/snake-skin-katana.jpg]'Channeler"[/url] The specialty of the sword its ability to sync well with its users magical power, making infusing elemental attributes into the weapon a lot less taxing. [/center] [/hider]