"So, it makes you grow up?" Rhazii asked. His eyes lit up. "Can I have some?" "Oh no you don't, little one." Fendros took Rhazii's hand as the procession moved on towards the mushroom forest. "Hist sap is only for Argonians, it'll make you sick and give you bad dreams unless someone like Meesei says its okay," Fendros explained. "Not to mention, it is very hard to find outside of Black Marsh, and that is a long way away." "Aw," Rhazii's ears drooped in disappointment. "Don't feel too bad. Just a few years and-" Fendros lifted a flat hand up while blowing a raspberry, eliciting laughter from Rhazii and some of the other children. "-you'll both probably be taller than me." Near the back of the walking group, Ri'vashi's reluctance did not escape some eyes. Given her rank and prestige in the clan, it fell to Gallus to go and talk to her, but not before Uthri suggested that he do so. Gallus was unsure whether or not Ri'vashi was simply keeping to herself. Nevertheless, he approached her by slowing his pace until he fell behind as well. Gallus reached Ri'vashi by the time the group stopped at the clearing. He had his hands behind his back and was giving a curious look, half-smiling. "Tired this morning? You don't seem too mingly today."