Logan: *nods slowly* Alright. *laughs* Well lets just go into the woods, we have to find him sometime. Kat: *laughs* Yay! What color do you want? Mal: *comes back with the crown and hands it to Aless* There you go hon. It's stupid how much they change you for simple cough syrup some places I swear. It's funny because Char kind of smiled at that while Tali rolled her eyes. Because other than Wes, you're the only that could flirt with Tali. And I don't know Wes that well. Pfft boy please. I want to hear this story. Taylor: *nods* It is, please I help more people here. *takes brownie* Oh thank you. Yeah, it hit him really hurt he don't like talking about it. Okay good then they should get along pretty well then. Haha Rhi will have none of their shit!