[center] [b]Name[/b]: Fife Blaze [color=f26522]"The name is Fire. And it's nothing different from that."[/color] [b]Age[/b]: [color=f26522]"I shall not say I have no reason to say"[/color] [b]Ability[/b]: [color=f26522]"You want a demonstration you little cock-eyed shit? If that's what you wanted then just ask."[/color] Dragon Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into Dragon. This also means they can change into the dragon has seen below. [img]https://writingdragonsblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/bfa3108f-956f-4ab9-8fe7-58f8b10eb23d.jpg?w=700[/img] Hell-Fire Breath: The user is able to manipulate energy that can manifest as hell-fire in their lungs in a way that allows them to shape the exhaling of hell-fire. These shapes can include bursts, streams, spheres, or a cloud of it from the mouth. [b]Appearance[/b]: [color=f26522]"What are you lookin at?!"[/color] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/68a2/f/2011/230/8/5/anime_guy_by_encoretheory-d4722sd.jpg[/img] [b]Bio[/b]: [color=f26522]"It's known of your business now fuck off"[/color] [/center]