Atty: *nods and starts heading into the woods* oh, and bit of a fair warning. There is poison ivy and poison oak all around here. Not sure if you have to worry about it, but figure I'd warn you. Billie: *thinks* let's do... how about purple? Aless: *smiles* that you! I know right? It's pure insanity. Ha ha. Don't let Rhi know Char smiled a little. She'll tease her. Axel: *rolls eyes* Rhi: oh. Where should I begin? Axel: *covers Rhi mouth before seeing gun shoved in his face* damn Rhi Rhi: I don't like you, you don't get to be in my bubble. Huzzah for helping people! You're welcome sweetie. We won't make him. They should. Hopefully. She can handle blunt right? Rhi tends to be a little too blunt sometimes. Rhi: seriously, not in high school. The majority of them are older than I am and have the attention span of a goldfish it feels like