Had she not been playing with his hair, James would have probably pulled out his phone and called his sister to ream her for telling Freya about him attending school. It’s not as though it was meant to be a big secret but with her caring and gentle nature, it could end up problematic for him. However she had known this long and hadn’t done anything to push them into an awkward situation or caused any issues for him… “I suppose could forgive you, if you can forgive me for not telling you in the first place.” He responded with a chuckle as she leaned against him. His gaze turned to the clock as well. It was getting late but not super late. A smile moved across his face as he turned his body to her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he gave her a quick pull to him, closing the gap as she settled in against his chest, laying his back against the armrest he reached up and pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over their bodies. “I was promised a cuddle session before you leave. You can’t tell me that little back hug was the only thing. Especially since it was a good date. Can I get one more movie?” He asked softly.