At the sight of his restraints loosening, the crazed Grog began to flail his arms wildly, shotguns still firmly gripped and all. Of course, a few stray shots landed here and there. As his trusty steed hoisted him over his head and explained what was about to happen, Grog reacted the only way he could. More rage-induced spasms and mouth frothing. That was not to say he didn't like the prospect of serving as a gun-totting [i]human fucking cannonball[/i], in fact, he welcomed the idea with open arms and... Mouth? Of all times, Grog just -had- to use the Pint now. With one gun held awkwardly under his shoulder, it seemed that the (un)masked hooligan had just downed an entire tankard of what seemed to be pure scotch. And just like that, he was launched. Barely having enough time to secure his tankard, he felt his face being pulled back by the force of the throw as he flew ripped a hysterical path through the air. The crab-man had already began to launch what seemed to be a counterattack against Head Honcho, and Sir Badass had valiantly napalmed the fuck out of Nefas' legs, or something. Grog was too absorbed in his own high to properly notice. Though the whole scene was truly fun to behold, time was of the essence, especially now that the leather-clad bomber was momentarily airbourne. Once again, due to the combination of his own peculiar mental functions and the drugs still going strong within his system, Grog began formulating a course of action that would guarantee maximum damage on the raging half-demon-thing. First, he'd empty his shotguns while there was still distance between himself and Nefas. His heightened awareness made it painfully easy to successfully aim for key points such as the throat, mouth and eyes. With that out of the way, the next thing to do was to somehow avoid being caught by the beast. Luckily, he had just the trick for that. One of his three nailbombs would do the job. He'd simply toss it with all of his (now somewhat formidable) strength towards the baddie. Even if he were to catch it before it hit his face, the force from the impact would still set it off, resulting in a high-powered, nail-filled burst that would certainly give him these precious few moments needed in order to slip by. Though that seemed a tad hard to pull off.