As the group reached the clearing, Kaleeth was both eager and nervous to begin. In truth, she knew well that she was overreacting. She was perfectly aware that she was stressing herself over something that was just going to last a few minutes. At least, the ceremony itself would not last long at all. All that she would need to do would be to say a few words explaining the importance of the event, allow Newt to drink the sap, then give him his name. In her village, there were usually many children going through the ceremony, and licking the sap directly from the Hist trees could lead to visions for the hatchlings that could last some time. However, all the way up in Skyrim, Meesei said that the connection would not be nearly as intense, nor last as long. Kaleeth felt it was a shame, but it was nonetheless an important day for Newt. There would have been a feast in her village after the ceremony, but in this case, it would be more of an outing with friends. They had brought food enough for everyone, and the children would have free reign to play with one another for longer than they usually would outside the city. They were old enough to understand not to eat the toxic mushrooms that filled the cavern, but most parents preferred to keep an eye on them regardless. And they were close to one of Blackreach's many rivers, which Newt always enjoyed. Swimming was the only time that he could be unequivocally superior to Rhazii in their physical competitions. Seeing as most of those in attendance did not know precisely what was going to happen, Kaleeth decided to open up by explaining. "Thank you all for joining us. The Naming Day has always been a social event back in my village, in all Argonian villages, and I'm glad you can all help give my son the same experience. Today is the day where he, my and my dear Janius' son, forges his connection with the Hist. It's the day where he moves from being a hatchling, to a full part of the clan. In Black Marsh, we would say it is the day where he joins with the root, when he truly becomes Saxhleel: the 'people of the root.' For us here in the clan, I suppose it is a bit different, but it is a day that shows he is not the hatchling he once was, all the same. After this day, he will have his true name." After her explanation, Kaleeth unsealed the hardened, opaque glass bottle which contained the Hist sap, which had not been opened since it was first bottled in Black Marsh. Newt would not have the opportunity to lick the sap from a tree, but she had also requisitioned a bowl made from the bark of a tree in Black Marsh. It was not Hist bark, of course, but she hoped it would improve the ceremony's authenticity at least somewhat. Before Kaleeth had even spoke, Ri'vashi had been surprisingly hesitant to speak even to Gallus. She was usually willing to open up to him when they could speak privately, but this time was different. She did not make eye contact and seemed to have trouble forming her words. "Oh...yeah, Ri'vashi is just...well it doesn't matter right now. Just enjoy the ceremony."