[@KatherinWinter] Pretty sure Vampy didn't actually leave to get the suits, they just wanted to. [quote=@Vampy] Valencia wanted to go to her cabin to get changed. She looked around the fire pit while waiting for the counsellors to tell more about the activity. [/quote] James and Cecilia are still at the campfire, standing and talking. Max is with Valencia, just talking, but not going to get suits yet. Edmond and Helena are also at the fire pit. No one left to get suits. Zumi is looking at the water where she sees a ghost, and Adrianne is talking to Kyle. Also, could you please be more specific on what you want us to ask for permission to do and such? We didn't need permission to have Neric almost attack the campers, but we need permission to go to the cabins? Could you please be specific on how you want this to run and what the restrictions and permissions are for the campers? It would help a lot.