[quote=@Lmpkio] [@Leslie Hall] Welp, here's the Librarium Devil Slayer, finished at last. Hope he goes well. :) [center][hider=Alexander Augustus] [u][h1]Librarium Registration Card[/h1] [/u][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Gilgamesh.full.1137010.jpg[/img] [h3]Personality[/h3] [sub]Alexander is an arrogantly selfish and enigmatic powerhouse, hungry for raw power. Born in the height of liberty and royalty, he feeds off his own vain, wealth, and already existing power in his position, looking down upon those whom he sees as inferior, but while keeping an extremely tight grip in order, justice, and his own faith. He’s infamously known for being merciless to those who oppose the Librarium due to his father’s death at the hand of these “terrorists” as he calls them. This has gotten rather worse due to the corruption of the magic that has begun to slowly eat away his sanity. However, this is mostly shown either in battle or if someone simply defies his orders, bursting with anger as he properly puts them in their place. The only person he bows down to alone is to Mother Juno and the Archbishop Baraqiel and respects only those who are other fellow Librarium Hunters.[/sub] [h2][i][color=fff200]“Sinful degenerates, know your place, for be prepared to be vanquished by the glory of Juno’s might!”[/color][/i][/h2] [indent][b]| Name: |[/b] [indent][i]Augustus, Alexander[/i][/indent] [b]| Alias|Nickames|Titles: |[/b] [indent][i]”Saint Augustus” ”Helios”; “Harbinger of Light”; “My Lord”[/i][/indent] [b]| G e n d er: |[/b] [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent] [b]| R a n k: |[/b] [indent][i]S[/i][/indent] [b]| Age: |[/b] [indent][i]38[/i][/indent] [b]| Sector : |[/b] [indent][i]The Library Hunters[/i][/indent] [b]| History: |[/b] [indent][i]Thousands of years ago, a demon was documented to have done to unthinkable. After millennia after millennia of accounting to various demon victories against that of Mother Juno and the might of Heaven, the demon known as Vetis mysteriously betrayed his own faith and was reverted into the light, joining Heaven’s forces. It’s unclear on what tempted him to revert to this way, but it’s theorized that Vetis, who ironically was one responsible in turning away various angels from their faith, had seen the future, having seen the victory of Heaven to be inevitable and eventual. Taking the new holy name of Azriel, the ex-demon began to create his own devil slayer magic, one that would help his faction defeat all of the vicious dark forces of Hell. Yet unable to create pure holy magic due to his body being originally spawned out of Hell, he had to find a substitute, in which he chose the power of the Sun, hence the birth of the Solar Devil Slayer Magic. Giving it to one of the strongest generals in Juno’s forces, Azriel would do whatever it takes to protect the valuable magic that the designated user holds and bring a glorious victory for his new side. However, when the forces of Hell made a surprise attack on him and his magic’s user, Azeriel, being on the break of death’s door, was able to revitalize the magic from the deceased user’s body and encased it inside a golden lacrima. There he launched it far from the demons, eventually to be found by someone of worth and continue the legacy. Thousands of years later, a boy named Alexander Augustus was born. Born in the city of Judea, his family was powerful and wealthy, his mother being a senator and his father a skilled mage for the army. He did not know exactly what magic he wielded, since it was kept in such a secret, but Alex simply did not question it. He began to follow in his father’s footsteps by joining in the army to fight with his father, going to one of the highest ranking military academies in all of Pandoria for training. After graduating, his father presented him with a special sword that he once used, being able to heat up to an intensive amount of heat and energy. Little did Alexander knew, it was a hint at what powers his father was wielding. Yet several years later, Alexander’s father, at the age of 67, died due to an unknown illness that couldn’t be cured, killing him in his sleep. Grieving his father’s death, he sought to continue his legacy through any means necessary. However, on the day of his burial, as he was coming down the hall of a beautiful cathedral, a group of rebel mages broke into the building, looting all that the deceased warrior’s belongings and killing several people. Amongst the chaos, Alex remembered seeing one of the attackers carrying away a large glowing orb of gold. After asking his mother what it was, she finally told him the truth about his father. Surprise surprise, Alexander’s father was the wielder of the Solar Devil Slayer Magic and what he saw was the lacrima that held all of his magical power. His mother then gave him the only surviving valuable from the attack, the only thing that was saved, it being a special sword, named “The Sun Drake”, capable of heating up to intense temperatures like that of the Sun’s. His father's golden armor was also passed down to him. Accepting the weapon and armor, while thanking his mother graciously, Alexander and a large force of his father’s legion, stormed the guild building of the attackers and brutally slaughtered them like dogs. Yet the guild leader, fearing for his life, hastily tried to absorb the lacrima on his own. Unknown to him, it backfired, as it was later discovered that it could only work through the user’s blood line, and the guild leader was roasted from the inside out, turning into ash and smoke. Claiming the lacrima, Alexander then infused with it, gaining all the magic and power that his father wielded. It was finally all his. With this spike in power, he was able to quickly rank up into becoming a Saint, hence his official title as “Saint Augustus”. Initially he was beloved by the public, both beloved by his people, and feared by his enemies, having kept peace and justice throughout the territory his faction owned. But as the years gone by, the strain and abuse his magic taken began to corrupt Alexander. He became slowly greedy, narcissistic, arrogant, and vain, looking down upon those whom he sees as below him. All the praise and worship didn’t help either, eventually having him think he was some sort of “demi-god”. While he still keeps to his beliefs to this very day, his sanity and egotistical personality slowly keeps creeping up more and more on him each day...[/i][/indent] [b]| Magic: |[/b] [indent][b][color=fff200]Solar Devil Slayer Magic[/color][/b] Solar Devil Slayer Magic is both one of the oldest and arguably one of the most powerful of the Devil Slayer Magics, having originated thousands of years ago by an ancient ex-demon, who turned to that of Heaven due to unknown causes, and taught the ways of harnessing the power and force of the Sun. After its host user dies, the magic can only be passed down if the blood of the original user is kept in a special lacrima and injected into a user’s blood relative, like its son, daughter, etc. If injected into anyone who is not the user’s blood relative, it would burn the opponent from the inside out and revert back into its lacrima. The magic also happens to make a person look rather younger than he actually is, purifying the skin and getting rid of unwanted wrinkles and scars, making a 60 year old man look half as old and vice versa. Most of the powers are based off from [url=http://fairytailfanon.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Devil_Slayer_Magic_(Kasumi)]here.[/url][/indent] [u][b]Spells[/b][/u] [indent][list] [*] [b]Solar Aura:[/b] Solar Aura is a basic spell that makes anyone close to the user feel as if they are very close to the sun. The opponent will feel excruciating pain as if they are being burned alive when in reality they are not. Furthermore, it becomes hard to even look at the User because their eyes will trick them into thinking that User is as bright as the sun. It can blind an opponent if they look at it directly for some time as well as vanquish any auras of any shadow user. [*][b]Solar Devil’s Beam:[/b] The user’s hands can fire an intense beam of plasma energy at his opponent for several seconds at will. A stronger variant can be issued if both hands are next to one another, making the beam slightly larger and stronger. [*][b]Solar Devil's Fury:[/b] The user takes a deep breath and gathers solar energy in its mouth, which is then fired upon at the enemy. [*][b]Solar Devil’s Shield:[/b] The user creates an intense field of plasma that blocks the user against most attacks. Even water and ice barely affects it, unless used in such an insanely large amount. [*][b]Solar Devil's Flash:[/b] When this spell is initiated, a sphere of highly compressed bright sunlight imbued with a large amount of magic power rises up from her body. The User is able to use its mental energy to direct this sphere of light toward any opponent and the long it stays compressed, the more powerful it become. When the pressure is released, the sunlight will explode with very high lethality depending on how long the pressure has been building up. [*][b]Solar Devil's Flare:[/b] The user claps its hands together and causes a large flare of solar energy to burst up from the ground beneath the opponent, launching them into the air. The flare can also constrict the opponent and flail them around, and the intense direct heat is strong enough to bypass armor plating. [/list][/indent] [u][b]Secret Arts[/b][/u] [indent][list] [*][b]Devil Slayer’s Secret Art: Supernovae:[/b] The most powerful move in a Solar Devil Slayer’s arsenal, this last resort spell forces the user to absorb all the solar energy he can muster into himself, making himself temporarily invulnerable via the solar energy surrounding him vaporizing the attacks being thrown at him, in which it jumps into the air, and unleashes the energy within a kilometer radius in a powerful blinding explosion. The explosion is so powerful that it can reduce almost anything within its radius into ash. The only draw back is simply that it can only be used when the Sun shines upon him or if he has over 50% magic. If it’s night or cloudy, the user is unable to use it or if said person tries, it has a chance of killing the user itself. [/list][/indent] [b]| Miscs : |[/b] [indent]Alexander also wields a magic-infused sword named [url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9XkgFG1gOWc/VUUqLdbW-VI/AAAAAAAAAbM/dEyjIuXa6Iw/w800-h800/the_shadow_of_heretic_by_samouel-d4gdopb.jpg]“The Sun Drake”[/url], a sword that when active, its blade will heat up to an incredibly hot temperature, being hot enough to slice through metal. It cannot be used for any magical spells, but its heat can be turned on and off at will. Being one of the highest ranking commanders of the Librarium, Alexander commands a Dectrium Dreadnought known as [url=http://i.imgur.com/j9rxVIl.jpg]”The Superion”[/url], complete with forward and side light and heavy guns and even comes complete with a bottom Etherion Magic Laser, capable of ripping apart entire fleets in it’s wake, but wastes 50% of its energy with each firing. Alexander also has a private crew of around 400 men to help operate the ship, from manning the guns, to supplying ammo, and even doctors and cooks onboard. The Superion’s alternate captain, when Alexander is not commanding the ship, is [url=http://orig03.deviantart.net/6816/f/2010/153/9/d/rear_admiral_drake_by_pingteo.jpg]Admiral Director Niel[/url].[/indent] [b]| Theme 1 : |[/b] [indent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFHBgiTjcGI&t[/youtube][/indent] [b]| Theme 2 : |[/b] [indent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSli34UE9u4[/youtube][/indent] [/indent][/hider][/center] [/quote] [s]Why is [@Indra] in the RP?[/s] XP