[center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/rccdl3f2z/Garrett.png[/img] [color=7ea7d8]Level:[/color] 1 [color=7ea7d8]Location:[/color] Tetris Castle (Skyhold Apartments) - Kingdom of Erion (Raganival, forest) [color=7ea7d8]Tags:[/color] Mario [@Holy Soldier], Fox [@Etherean Fire], Naija [@DracoLunaris], Gordon Freeman [@Hostile] [color=7ea7d8]Word Count:[/color] 333[/center] Garrett grinned as he pulled a bag of gold out of a drawer in the home he was currently robbing. His assumptions were right when he first arrived; this place did have a lot of loot to steal. He had gotten the treatment from Mordin and the other scientists, and figured he'd pass some time with a bit of thieving... Next thing he knew he was on his seventh house and showed no sign of stopping. [color=7ea7d8]"Hehehe, I'm gonna be walking away from this whole ordeal with my pockets filled to the brim with gold and gems..."[/color] He said to himself, picking up a broach from a nightstand. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Garrett spotted the clock... And froze in terror. He was late. Very, very, VERY late. He panicked, looking around for an exit before running to the window, opening it, then slipping out. He climbed down the face of the apartments before reaching the ground and sprinting to the portal (or whatever it was that would take him to the Kingdom of Erion). [hr] [color=7ea7d8]"Man, I am [i]never[/i] going to get used to traveling by portal..."[/color] Garrett muttered to himself, before getting up and looking around. Yep, he was in Raganival alright. Yet his group and any of the others were nowhere in sight. He sighed, scratched his neck, then began to wander around. After a bit of walking around the forest, he found his group. Fox and Naija were up in the trees, most likely scouting ahead. Garrett gave a quick nod to Mario and Gordon, who were (probably) still on ground level. [color=7ea7d8]"Sorry I'm late. Got a little bit... distracted on my way to the teleporter."[/color] For clarity, Garrett showed the group some of the loot he had swiped from the apartment. After another few quick glances around, Garrett said to the group: [color=7ea7d8]"So what exactly are we doing? I was a bit zoned out when the big guy with the weird haircut was giving his speech."[/color]