[quote=@Lost Cause] "OK, I think I see it." Rikka reached over and pulled the cartridge out of the belt-like device strapped around the bike's saddle, before pushing the lever across. [@Psyga315] [/quote] [b]CLICK TO SAVE![/b] The bike soon changed back into what appeared to be a man in his late twenties, wearing a red leather jacket that draped off his shoulders. Beneath was a Hawaiian shirt and large oval sunglasses attached to the shirt. He gave Rika a cocky grin and got up. "Thank you for that." He tuttered as he looked at the Gashat. "Dan... That bastard gave me this on purpose, didn't he?" He muttered. He then looked to the girl and her mascot. "So, I guess we can do introductions. I'm Kiriya Kujo. I'm a medical examiner..." He then paused and thought for a moment. "I basically cut dead people open and see how they died for a living, to put it simply." He explained, assuming Rika had no idea what a medical examiner is.