[center][color=A9A9A9] [h3] Lomen [/h3] [/color][/center] [@Jangel13][@El Noche] [hr] Lomen knew this would be bad going in and was ready to face the consequences. It seemed to happen in slow motion as he left the ground, smiling back at Zectoll's grin. The motion as Zectoll threw the jab, using a slight swinging motion in order to place more weight behind the blow and to strike true in Lomen's exposed midsection. Lomen could do nothing but feel the impact crash into his body, shocking him to the core, causing some of his breath to escape him as the shock ravaged through him. Even so Zectoll had shown bravery in fighting him head on so Lomen did not regret his hasty decision. Although he still had to follow through to the end, even with no breath left in him, his body reeling in shock from the impact, Lomen still had something left to give. With his last strength, he let out a rallying roar, using the last of his breath to revitalize himself enough to turn his body and attempt a last left hook at Zectoll's midsection. Afterwards Lomen knew he would likely crash to the ground, with little strength left, but was happy that he could give it his all. This would be his last strike and he knew that after this he would not be able to get up for some time. It would be a bit painful to not be able to stand without help, but the bout was worth that consequence and he would accept his defeat.