A genlock was hurled into the clearing of the forest, hitting one of the Genlocks that attempted to close in on Feri and sending them both crashing to the ground. Following them from the tree line was a massive Mabari Warhound, pouncing and slamming into the two Dwarkspawn, massive paws pressing them to the ground as the dog rend and tore with his great maw. One of the Hurlocks turned, his head getting cloven in two by a notched Bastard sword, before his fidgeting body was kicked to the ground by a powerful boot. From where the Hurlock had been stood a tall, strong fereldan youth with iron eyes and the scars of war. He regarded Feri for a moment, only long enough to give her a nod, before engaging a Genlock, sword leading. A few brutal moments later, the Genlock was slain. The few Darkspawn that were between this soldier and his Mabari were easy pickings for Feri, and once the battle was over she had merely received a minor cut at the midriff. The soldier was covered in enough blood for his injuries to be very well hidden, and the Mabari was...well it was safe to say he wore his prey/food more than having eaten any of it. Rannon tore his sword out of a Genlock corpse, favoring one leg by the looks of things as he wiped his face with his hands. His and his Mabari's entrance had been brutal and swift, and with Feri's quick blades they'd ended it even more swiftly with the darkspawn too surprised to react. But despite his gruff look and bloodied appearance, his words were underwhelming. "Hey," he said breathlessly, slumping down and holding himself up by his sword, using it like a walking stick. The Mabari trotted over and looked at Feri curiously, tall enough to be eye to eye with her. "You alright?"