Atty: *sees Roland asleep in a tree* Clary: of course I do! Cole: *chuckles* Clary loves her glitter. Billie: ain't that the truth, I got the run off from when Logan got covered in it. Aless: oh yay! I kinda see it happening too. It's like, 'I hate you, but there is sexual tension here.' Ha ha. That's a good thing he doesn't push it. She's like borderline demisexual if that makes sense. Axel: it's just weird. Rhi: oh, right. I was 16, and you know how high school is. All his buddies were dating the prettiest girls, and he had bet them he could get a date with a girl hotter than them. Let them pick the girl, they picked me. I turned him down. In front of half the school. It worked. Success! That's always a good thing. Rhi: *nods* unfortunately I have. But he's not even that dumb. Has tendencies that dumb, but he isn't. And this is coming from me. I gave up on it. I got frustrated.