[center]For Royal Children: [hider=Appearance:][img]http://cdn.paper4pc.com/images/jake-gyllenhaal-actor-wallpaper-1.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=DarkRed][u]Name:[/u][/color] [color=LightYellow]Alca[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Age: (100-500)[/u][/color][color=LightYellow]225[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Number child is in line:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow]7th Child in Line[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow]Male[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Personality:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow] Alca is really self indulgent. Alca is also one of those individuals who always seems to be where you do not want him to be. Another of his qualities is that he has no problem being a hypocrite. Thus Alca is hard to understand.[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Bio:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow]Alca liked being a part of the Royal Family. But he spent much of his time outside of the castle home, hanging around outdoors and chatting with whoever was nearby. It helped him learn what people wanted, who people were and it kept him from being bored. He also spent years excercising in his room and trying to build up some strength, so that if there ever was a threat to his family, the Krishkov family, he would be able to handle it. [/color] I'm blind like Purple Flamingoes? [color=DarkRed][u]Likes:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow]Shiny and odd objects, as well as interesting clothes. Excercising, taking risks, and bothering others.[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow]Someone stealing his objects, Someone insulting him, poor weather and cabbage.[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Extra:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow] He likes going out for walks at nightime.[/color] [/center] Question:Can I know one of the Siblings in my bio? [s]W.I.P.[/s] Finished 5:40pm January 15,2017 in Central Time Zone UTC-06:00 Edited 7:39pm January 15, 2017 in Central Time Zone UTC-06:00 Last Edited 9:47pm January 15, 2017 in Central Time Zone UTC-06:00