[@Vampy] [@Mangrale] [@1Hawkeyes] [@LiegeLord] [@SoulEater] [@UnknownScarlet4][@Blueflame] [@Zumi200] [@Arya10108909] 1. Going off of an event = yes everyone needs to ask the conselors before leaving an event. No camp is going to let kids do whatever they want. 2. What about the time between activities?= Technically there should be no time in between activities. Just like school you go from one to the next. 3. What areas are campers restricted from without the councilors = they aren't allowed anywhere alone. Boys can't be in girl cabins nor girls in boys cabins. They can't leave the camp or sight of the counselors. 4. What are they absolutely not allowed to do?= Think of it like school. No fightimg. No cursing. No skipping events. 5. Can they use their powers whenever or is there also a restriction on that?= They can use their powers any time as long as the counselors don't ask them not to