Despite Gallus speaking to her, Ri'vashi kept looking straight ahead towards Kaleeth and Newt. Her breathing was unsteady, and if Gallus was perceptive, he might notice her hands trembling. Again, she only gave a short, soft response. "It's not discomfort, it's that...just...not here, okay? Not now. After it's over." Meanwhile, Kaleeth carefully poured the sap into the bowl. There was not much of it; just enough to fill up the bottom of the bowl. Any more would be far too much for a child; after all, the ceremony only normally called for a single lick of the sap. She handed it to Newt, who looked somewhat confused and surprised from the fact that such a small amount of sap could be so important. "Please drink, son." Kaleeth instructed. It took a few moments for Newt to get the viscous sap to the edge of the bowl, but it was only a few moments after the sap touched his tongue that he started to feel its effects, which, for him, were bizarre. The only time he had ever heard the voice of the Hist in his mind was when he was in Thorn a few years prior, but it was faint then. Granted, his current distance from Black Marsh meant that it was fainter than it could be, but the ingestion of the Hist sap made the Hist's voice much more pronounced in his mind. He heard them speak, not in anything that could be recognized as words, but yet something he could still understand. It was feelings, emotions, and an overall sense of presence. He felt like he was not alone inside his own mind, though there were no other distinct voices other than his own. Back on her own Naming Day, Kaleeth remembered receiving a vision so strong from the Hist that she fell off of her feet. Sadly, Newt was not having the same kind of experience, but it was clear from the way he was acting that he was hearing something. Once he seemed more aware of his surroundings, Kaleeth stepped forward once more and accepted the bowl back from him. "You have become part of the root, son. You are connected to every other Saxhleel in the world. You are no longer a nameless hatchling; your name is Kaj-Julan." Kaleeth's smile was the widest it had been since she had first seen her son hatch. She could not think of a name whose meaning was more fitting for her son.