As if on cue, Jack walked into the dining room and joined her and the planner at the table looking over the things. When he touched her back she fell back into his hand; the weight of the wedding planning to be lifted off of her shoulders and very thankful that he had a lot more to say about it. The wedding planner seemed to want Gwen to do everything that would cause her to spend as much of Jack’s money as she could but that wasn’t what Gwen was about and anyone who knew her, including Jack, knows that she isn’t marrying Jack for his money. She’s marrying him because she loves him. Her eyes went wide as he explained about his plan for wedding and playing a piano and singing the song for her. Her face turned bright red as a smile moved across her full lips and her caramel eyes turned back to the pages down towards the books. “I’d like to have party favors for the guests; I think it would be fun to give out replicas of my engagement ring for the women,” Her gaze turned to Jack, “I don’t know what we would give the men, they tend to not really enjoy gifts; it tends to be more for the women. Maybe little replicas of the Delorean the guys and I built for you?” The quirky personalities of the two would make those types of gifts understandable to their guests, especially with how funny the two tend to be together, joking around and laughing compared to some other couples who look bored with one another. A smile moved across Michelle’s face when she asked for the room to be a music room. Her attention moved to Robert as he gave the okay for it, “I agree but can our room not be next to it, I’d like to get some sleep and I have a feeling she’ll play all throughout the night.” The laughter of Michelle rang through the room before it was interrupted by Amanda getting on the forbidden piano. Before either Michelle or Robert could react, Jack was in the room, ready to throw whoever was playing the piano out the window like he had warned them multiple times. Gwen had arrived at his side second later before Jack seemed to relax at the sight of his sister playing the piano. The simple sight of seeing the young girl at the keys seemed to lift the weight off of the group of friends’ shoulders. A vale of sadness was lifted at that moment, the moment where Amanda began to play on the keys. “You know,” Michelle began taking Robert’s hand as Amanda finished the song. “I have a better idea. Jack has a room full of instruments. How about, instead of having it at our house, you can come over here any time you want and play with your brother, maybe…” Her green gaze moved to Jack with a soft smile on her face. “If you ask your brother nicely he’ll allow you to have a key to the house and give you the security code so that you can come in here and play when you want. I bet if you ask even more nicely, he’ll teach you any instrument you want to learn.” What could be a better way for them to bond again? And that way, Jack can still be in her life but they weren’t breaking any legal rules. The smile from Gwen next to him as she took Jack’s hand said she agreed.