[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/d2178fdec45dec3b69c02c0b294b26dd/tumblr_mu28rfUjzD1sjk6c2o1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Medical Bay[/center][hr][hr]Dorothy set herself to work again, preemptively getting the chair in the middle of the room prepped. With no one having come to alert her of any injuries, she figured that she would have to operate on someone by the time the day had ended. The resources of the Vengeance were nothing compared to the Alliance, but she had learned to be skillful and resourceful in her methods. It was a fact of life. As the ship started to move, Dorothy smiled softly to herself. Her baby sister was one of the best damn pilots there was. Gideon must have managed to make the most of the repairs, at least enough for her mei-mei to start running. From Dorothy's perspective, things seemed to be looking up, with the ship on the move. All they needed to do was get rid of the huen dahns following them, and they'd be good to go. Slowly unclenching her fingers, Dorothy listened for a moment, seeing if there was anything for her to do next. Nothing. But she reassured herself this was the better scenario. If she didn't have anything to do, it meant everyone was alive and kicking. The best thing for the Vengeance, she thought with a wry smile, would be if no one needed her at all. But she figured that odds were, someone would need her eventually. They were never that lucky.