Good lord i'm gonna be abducted XD Never the less I might as well post the CS once more here if only to make it easy Username: MonsieurShade Name/Aliases: Jacque Baila Age: 21 Race:(Can really be anything except nothing too powerful) Water elemental Appearance: [url=]Righthere[/url] Bio: Jacque was born and raised in a little town in Maui, and much like many other Hawaiians, Jacque *loved* the ocean. Some would simply justify his reason for this as him being a "typical islander", however, his bond with the sea goes much deeper than that. You sea (heh, puns), Jacque belongs to a dwindling tribe of elementals who call the island their home. Everything in Jacque's life was going swimingly (oh god, someone stop me), until his father died, at which point the family heirloom; A strange machete like blade known as niho mano (shark's tooth), was passed on to Jacque, along with its history. Despite its appearance, the blade is actually one of the mystical artifacts needed to complete the mirror, and his tribe took it upon themselves to protect it from evil. After learning the weapon's dark destiny, you'd think that Jacque would simply destroy the artifact or do as his family before him did and protect it, but instead he ended up doing something completely different; He began to travel the world, blade in hand, on a mission to secure or destroy the other artifacts. He started this task when he was 19 and continues to search to this day. Skills/Good attributes: Due to his constant hunt and close proximity with them Jacque has developed a sort of sense that allows him to locate artifacts nearby, he's agile, and a quick thinker, and he is *extremely* adept at using his elemental ability Skills/Bad attributes: He dehydrates quicker than a human would, and his sensing abilities are somewhat sporadic, he can drop an artifact's trail almost as quick as he picks it up, physically speaking he's no stronger than a human, he gets *really* moody if someone mentions his missing limb Personality: Jacque is a mixed bag, he can be boisterous and easily excitable if you know what sets him off, but he tries to hide this behind a more casual demeanor, and although he may not admit it, Jacque can be quite insecure about his missing arm Ability (Certain abilities allowed...): Hydrokinesis (he's at his most powerful during a full moon) Other: Jacque lost his left arm to a tiger shark when he swam too far out to sea, because of this he carries around a camel pack filled with water which he morphs into a surrogate arm when needed. Another thing, niho mano's blade is the actual artifact, Jacque made it a point to change the handle to a more modern one to suit his tastes.