[center][h1][color=D09A57]Jackson Tanner[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9nnsmzgad1rvxmc5.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=D09A57][b]Location:[/b][/color]Shuttle[/center][hr] Listening to Anisa's voice over the intercom, Jackson sighed and turned in his seat back toward the console, beginning to prepare for the exact maneuver she described. It was a dangerous job, heading up and over the Reavers, he could understand why Anisa would put him on the job, but with Gene, he wasn't sure, he could have half expected her to get cold feet and screw it up somehow. For once, he didn't blame her, it was certainly not her job to deal with reavers, he expected just about any rational person to cut and run at any point rather than dealing with them. As he heard Anisa's order, Jackson took a deep breath and broke the shuttle away from the ship, immediately pulling upward. He figured the reaver ship would fly into the canyon after the Vengeance, and so he flew up and over the canyons itself, with another room to look down into it for when he tried to get over the reavers. Glancing back at his payload again, he sighed and looked back to the controls, it certainly wasn't a suicide mission, but he didn't exactly want to know his odds. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FF2F2F]Gregory Quinn[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b6/a6/1d/b6a61d30c53c034f9be5774fb1eb0320.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=FF2F2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Bridge[/center][hr] Quinn paced the bridge as he looked out the viewport, strategy on his mind, although it scarcely did an immense amount of good in situations like this. Reavers were hard to deal with, and any strategy to engage them never exactly fell under traditional tactics. For now he was content to go along with Moreau's tactics, he seemed to have a plan, and if it didn't work, he was sure the sergeant would have enough time to open up on the Reavers, all they needed to do was at least disable an engine or two in his mind, anyway. Turning his gaze to Harper after Moreau spoke over the comm, he gave the pilot a nod, for once appreciating the lack of formality in Harper's response to Moreau. It was good to see the officer knew who was his superior, and who was not. As they continued to draw closer to their target, Quinn took a hold of the railing at the end of the landing he stood on, leaning forward as he stared intently out of the viewport. [color=FF2F2F][b]"Get us in position, lieutenant, let's be done with this."[/b][/color]