v2 didn't say anything for a moment, his eyes resting on the spot where the door he had let his opponent slip through while the most confused expression masked his face. "Yeah." He said slowly, a slight tremble in his voice. "Yeah, I'm fine. He didn't even lay a hand on me." He shook his head, trying to fight against this lack of composure being imposed on him by his programming, before turning to Mac and Cheese. "You guys must have finished your mission if your here. I hope everything went well." He reached down and scooped up the damp box on the ground, placing it carefully under his arm. He didn't know whether this thing could turn him to stone and wasn't in any mood to experiment. "Come on. Lets go see if my teammates had as much fun as I did." He said, walking toward the hospital. He was still unsteady as he walked, all efforts to regain a composure that should be as effortless as breathing failing him. It wasn't the pathetic pervert Mark that had inspired this, nor his theatrical master. This was something that had shaken him to the core because it had [i]come[/i] from the core. Another aberrant thought, but one that he could not possible rationalize. One thought that was entirely not his own, that he would never have thought even under the influence of this programming. An utterly irrational thought. A thought that had slipped in when Mac and Cheese had arrived to reinforce them. [i]Back off, he's mine.[/i] As he entered the building he raised up his other hand and placed it on the glowing heart containment unit on his chest. He would never think like that, but there was someone else who would. [@Arty Fox]