Noi rumbled trying to move forwards. He began to fall, but again caught himself digging into the walls. [color=00FFFF]“I cannot deceive. My systems are below nominal.I need to recharge.”[/color] Noi groaned. The robot leaned against the wall grabbing a waterskin from his compartment. With his other hand he pulled off the metal case that covered his sensor array. Beneath was a bizarre conglomerate for metal and crystals. It vaguely resembled a face if one squinted. Pressing a hand to the side of his face his chest cavity began to glow. Parts of it began to separate before opening to reveal his inner structure. A skeleton of steel guarding even more intricate workings. A few random pieces of metal fell out onto the ground along with a lot of sand. Pouring the waterskin’s contents into a port the liquid was filtered into the systems. A loud whir began to emanate from Noi’s chest. He began to produce energy at a greatly increased rate. The liquid cooling his system allowed him to overclock the production. [color=00FFFF]“ETC: Half Hour.”[/color] The robotic voice called. While his chest was open Noi began to inspect himself.