[b]“My guard [i]was[/i] up!”[/b] Drust snorted at the ignorance of that statement. “Which is why I would have had ample time to run you through a couple times over since you turned your back?” His chin rose slightly, and he looked down his nose at Ghent. His brows raised dubiously at Ghent’s tone of voice when he reluctantly agreed, but only silently followed him inside. Elayra turned from them to return her sword to its sheath, then laid it back on the floor. She looked to him when he addressed her, raising an eyebrow at his most recent nickname for her. She gave a quiet snort at it, though it was far better than “Blondie.” “If it makes you feel better, sure,” she grumbled to his question as she picked up Drust’s cloak and began rolling it up. As Ghent went about setting his improvised table, Drust strode to Elayra and took over folding the cloak up. She looked to him and gave him a grateful nod both for him letting her use it and taking care of it now, which he returned before Elayra went to investigate what Ghent was up to. [b]“Man, this hideout [i]bites[/i].”[/b] She paused and cast a quick glance around before she realized he did not mean the statement literally. Though, she was sure a few of the spiders would have been happy to change that if she wished. “But it’s a hideout, all the same.” She watched Ghent place the cups on the shelf, everything from the cardboard to the opaque lid a new sight for her “If you think [i]this[/i] is bad,” she cast a darkly amused grin toward Drust, “you should have seen the place we found in Tulgun’s Marsh.” Drust scowled at the memory, and shoved the rolled-up cloak none-too-gently into his pack. Elayra cocked her head when Ghent mentioned “chocolate shakes.” She sniffed at the air when he opened his backpack and the disgustingly delicious smell of fried potatoes and processed meat burst forth. Her eyes followed him curiously as he pulled out three brown bags stamped with an unfamiliar logo from his unusual pack. Her gaze paused for on the skull pattern, momentarily wondering where he had gotten it from, before he asked about the shadow cats. “Shadowmire,” she corrected him. “No,” Drust answered flatly, stepping slightly closer to the two, but still keeping his distance. “If Luck decides to visit,” Elayra began cheerlessly, giving away her doubt at them having such a visitation, “she’ll have sent [i]only[/i] that litter here for recon purposes. See what’s become of Earth in the last decade. Make sure it’d be safe to send others of a higher rank.” “And now she’ll know you’re both alive,” Drust growled, his face twisting angrily and neck twitching.