I ship myself with [@Gowi] now. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/dP3EfHarH95Zu/giphy.gif[/img] Do you know why I know this? It's because she's implying I am Yokodera and he is Tsukiko in that picture. Best 2017 ever to have a loli-tsundere and her implications. I will be reviewing others later. I am gonna sum up everything about what Den and Les said about Gowi. You have my acceptance since I just finished reading it. Exactly the character I look forward to just as I see Inori. Yes guys. Some guy and some orgasm lust bunny who still is a virgin. Expectations vs Reality. In expectations... since this is an RP. We don't get the H symbol. In Reality the Librarium Guys and Jun would result to: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/8/89/Eobard_Thawne_Afterimage.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150331085952[/img] [img]https://hsto.org/getpro/habr/comment_images/fec/921/40b/fec92140bd95500ee19946365d2f7ae7.jpg[/img] P.S In case nobody knows. Eobard Thawne/Dr. Wells is my favorite Flash Villain. Heck, I'm starting to think Gilgamesh looks like Eobard the real one.