Alexander's head whipped around as he took in the sights. The soft silver of the moon mingled with the warm yellow of the lanterns, the soft sigh of music, the slightest breath of wind warmed as it wound through the gathering- Alexander stifled a nervous giggle. The buzz of energy and the body heat wrapping around him was making him a little giddy. He felt completely out of place. The setting practically oozed wealth, the guests wore elegance like a second skin, and he was here thanking whatever Gods existed his best friend, currently attempting to gouge a section of his arm out, brow beat him into nicer clothes that a shirt and jeans. He poked her playfully and loosened her grip just a tad. He dragged her this way and that, excitedly pointing out fountains, odd fashion statements, and sneaking food from every platter he could. He nearly died on the spot. The food tasted like nothing he'd ever had before. The longer they stayed in the crowd, the more nervous he felt and the more he felt the overwhelming need to light a smoke. A slight pain from his friend silenced his muttering over a hot vampire across the courtyard and he turned his attention to the stage as a woman stepped up. As she introduced herself, Alexander pulled out a cigarette and blew on the end before taking a long drag. Being around new people was one thing but listening to the Princess herself was a little overwhelming. She radiated grace as if she created the concept. Honestly, starstruck as he was her words slipped through one ear and out the other. The buzzing energy vanished as she continued speaking. Everyone seemed to hang on her every word, at least Alexander did, as they resonated through the suddenly still night air. The very world around them seem to stifle itself so she could speak. And if that kind of authority didn't unsettle you, it seemed to Alexander they had frankly lost their minds. He glanced at his envelope as she mentioned it. As soon as he had recieved it, he had tried to pry it open before blowing on it. The dry, super heat stream was about the only elemental magic he could pull off but it was undeniably useful. Except now. If Kanalie hadn't mentioned the whole fixing fiasco, he'd probably had tried to cut it open or throw it in a fountain. The envelope was otherwise unispiring. At the mention of a pair, he grimaced. His father had been one of the rare mages left without a vampire pair and donated blood regularly. He wasn't entirely sure on how to go about this but as long as they didn't try to stifle him, they'd get along fine. He flicked his smoke on the ground and snuffed it out before eagerly diving into his newly opened envelope. No switching blah blah blah, address blah blah blah, picture... Alexander let out an audable groan. Hair disheveled, clothing a mess, and looked like he hadn't showered in forever. He whipped his head around as Kanalie mentioned her partner and nosed over at hers. Damn it, he was pretty. He was going to have to keep his eye on this Declan vamp. [color=ed1c24]"Well I got the one that looks like a homeless waif. Friggin a, he looks like he hasn't had a shower in forever! I mean yeah I can skip a day in favor of sleep if I reaaaally need it but damn..."[/color] Alexander grumbled. An ember flickered into life around his head amd his eyes started simmering orange. If he had to pick up after this kid constantly, they were going to have some problems. A few more spiraled into life as a hundred different scenarios spiraled through his mind, each worse than the last. He huffed irritablyand scanned the crowd, looking for this brat. Plus he still needed to make sure Kanalie's partner knew exactly who he would be dealing with if he so much as glanced at her wrong. His eyes settled on a figure leaning nonchalantly against a wall. Fuck. He looks exactly like the picture. Damn it. Wait... we're those the same clothes? Every explcitive he knew left his lips before he turn around, whipped out another cigarette, and took several quick drags. [color=ed1c24]"Let's go find your partner first. We can deal with mine when I don't want to shove him to the bottom of a river."[/color] Alexander ground out through clenched teeth. [@KiwiBaer] [@The One]