Surprised by the sudden appearance she simply nodded and said "You are right... I did spend all morning making all this, I was a bit worried about people not taking any of them... A lot of students don't tend to bring a whole lot of funds with then so it all made sense for me to have the first batch free, if I get permission to open up my own bakery here I wouldn't mind it at all but I am pretty certain I'd be breaking campus rules if I did even then I am not planning to stop baking anytime soon" Rumi explained and commented responding to both of them hinting at the box strapped to the back of the bike "I sure hope they will let me use it... I'd love to keep up with up with my other hobbies after all..." Rumi slowly set down the basket for the girl to pick up and carry for her "Dark Magician House? I'm in the Utopia House, with my favorite deck being... THIS!" Rumi pulled out her deck with her level 5 Madolche Puddingcess on top of it showing it off to the other 2 "Wish I made some pudding too..." Rumi silently commented after showing off Puddingcess "What is your name then?" Rumi asked the girl who offered to carry the basket which wasn't particularly heavy just large and awkward to carry for a rather short girl called Rumi and followed up the same introduction she gave Matt.