[quote=@MiddleEarthRoze] I've been looking for a self-indulgent, easy-going sci-fi roleplay. Would you be averse to throwing some Mass Effect in there? It's plenty scientific enough, and hoo-boy, will Shepard have some fun with the Death Star. [/quote] I was thinking of suggesting Mass Effect and Halo in case anyone couldn't think of on. While the SR-2 Normandy would do good in space, I think they'll really work well in ground battles. I'd love to have some Mass Effect in there. Maybe the Mass Relay messed up and dropped them off in the Alderaan system? You'd have to steal a hyperdrive from one of the shuttles or freighters the Death Star had, but I could see them doing the "rescue the Princess" mission instead of Han, Luke, and Ben. With Sheppard's reputation for sleeping with everyone (and being a corporate sellout :-p )I can see him being like Han, only cooler.